It's Official...

I've had a crazy weekend with keet sales and my Mom and Brother coming for a weekend visit/BBQ (got a new smoker so we smoked a HUGE pork roast and 5 Guineas
)... and all this going on during 100 degree temps

But yah, I agree, the 2 dark keets are Royal Purples.

And mj you either have a few partially-pearled birds in your flock, or they are carrying the partially-pearled gene, hidden like guinea guy mentioned (or some that are partially-pearled and some that are just carrying it). Either way congrats on the cute keets. If you post pics of your adult flock, we can most likely tell you what you have Coral Blues or Lavenders... or something else, lol.
UGH I am SO far behind, lol. Crazy busy with my hatching season... building brooders, grow-out pens and coops to accommodate everybody and plus doing all my veggie gardening etc. My apologies to anyone that's looking for an answer/reply from me to a post of theirs that I missed, I am just way scatteredbrained and spread too thin this season with the new incubator and hatcher, and hatching all my Keets, Poults, Peachicks, Silkies, Showgirls etc etc all at once. Best way to get my attention these days is to PM me or email me... cuz I don't always have time to make it thru all the new posts and I have to skim (skip a few here and there) sometimes

I think I missed getting pics of a keet hatch or 2, but here hatches#12 and #13.. (I think???)
Notice hatch #12 is over a wk old in this pic that I just took today, lol. Oops.

A few Blondes I'll have to keep (1 looks very Pied) in this last hatch, and Mmmaddie, there's 3 Buff Dundottes for you
Theyr'e so cuuuuuuute!!! Buff Dondottes are my favorite (I think...). Haven't seen them in person yet, but I'm in love with every one I see in pictures. Aw. I'm jealous!

I just love all the blue and buff and light colors in your hatches. :)
Peeps' new dickey incubator came today think ill be in love. Wow 8 dozen per tray 40 peas/turkeys and 3trays I could go crazy. Lol
Congrats on the Dickey incubator guineaguy! I love mine, wish I would have bought one yrs ago... I just couldn't justify spending so much $$$ on a "hobby" since I already had accumulated 5 tabletop styro 'bators and turners. Once a hobby turns into an obsession/addiction things take on a new perspective tho

Hey... if you still have your Leahy, are you going to use that as your hatcher? If so, yep you can really go crazy with all that egg setting and hatching space. It's probably a good thing for me that my Guineas are still being quirky about laying eggs, or I'd be pulling my hotrod and quad out of the garage and turning my entire 2-car garage into one huge giant brooder, lol.
Yep i do having trouble getting the humidity right wants to stay in the 70+ range and I layed the pea eggs on their side and took rubber bands and crossed over them to the cone uprights and they don't move and little effort I can roll the eggs around every other day for more even circulation in the eggs.
Yesterday's hatch (all from eggs I collected from my youngest flock of last yr's keepers... they finally got their butt's in gear and started laying!).
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I only have all partially-pearled, non-pearled and a few pure White birds in this latest flock... my fully-pearled adults are the variety that hatch out the teddy bear keets with the blended down. There is one little guy in there somewhere that might be a heavily Pied Buff Dundotte with blended down, but it could be a heavily Pied Pastel. Not sure but I hope it is, it will be my first non-pearled keet for the season (and one in a new color). I'll know in a couple weeks when it feathers out.

I'm lazy, so here's a link to a previous post of mine about the pellet bedding:

Pine Pellet Bedding
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