It's Saturday night....


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I'm at home, on BYC. I have posted a thread about my peculiar taste in food tonight and posted on another about tinkling.

I seriously need to think about settling down and giving up my wild nightlife.
there couldnt possibley be something you would rather be doing. I got things tossed up a little bouncing from craigslist to byc and a fishing forum. I guess i will have to sleep late tommorow to recop from all this excitment
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lol! im at work at the fire station, lying in bed rubbing my belly because i just ate a ton of chocolate pudding... i really hope nobody wrecks anytime soon
thats my wild saturday night!
Yeah..your a party animal like me...(WHEN did i get old!!????)..My big plans for tonight is frying up some summer squash with my new deep fryer... Woo-hoo!
I'm with you ... lol
I have a night alone with my Husband. The kids are out, and I was all excited.
Well he's been sleeping since 7pm and I'm on the computer.

We are just some wild and crazy people !!! hold us down!
i am listening to chickens establish their position in the flock which are housed in my brooder in the dining room

but on the plus side our lumber was delivered today so we are building a coop tomorrow

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