It's true, I hate my chick :(

The first time I had a silkie pullet she was not what I had hoped for in the personality department. She was very timid and skittish and would peck me if I had to go in the coop near her. I was so disappointed because everyone has such good things to say about silkies, and she looked so adorable too!

After she started laying she only got more bold at pecking me if she thought i was too near her. I ended up rehoming her after she got in a fight with my serama hen through some chicken wire that left my serama's comb looking like a unicorn horn.

I would say wait and see if maturity changes her for the better, but if you really aren't happy it is easy to rehome pullets. There are too many lovely natured chickens out there to put up with one that you don't like, especially when you have so few chickens. That's just my opinion.
Yes! honestly she was almost a silkie, I’ve heard they’re really sweet. And yeah I think the maximum we can keep is 4 and we already have eggon and eggritte- so unless I get a rooster out of the Wyandotte’s she’s going to be moving on.
They are young, and are prey animals, so will respond accordingly such as not being friendly, cautious, run away, scream. Also, wired for flock dynamics, so as another mentioned, could be the dominant pullet. Personalities do change once they begin to lay-usually they settle down. Definitely get another feeder and waterer - she can’t patrol both feeders/waterers, particularly if they are spaced well apart.

Good luck
Yeah absolutely, already have seperate feeder and seems to have lessened her desire to shove the others out of the way. I think I’ve just been spoiled by how awesome my Wyandotte’s are gotta stop looking at her in comparison. Thank you for your response !
I ordered 2 welsummers from cackle back in april along with several other breeds to add to my flock. They sent a third and one turned out to be a cockerel. The 2 pullets are not friendly in the least bit, but that's ok with us. Just hoping the freebie turns out to be a good rooster when he grows up. The new ones are all about 3.5 months old. The cockerel started trying to crow about a week ago, sounds pretty pathetic like a 1 year old bull elk attempting a bugle.
My Welsummer (the one in my profile pic and who I thought was an RIR until someone on this site corrected my ignorance) is my favorite hen and the one that will let me hold her. Hopefully yours will come around. Good luck.
I had a chick like that a couple years ago. I called her Butthead because she was so mean to the other chicks. Eventually "she" started to crow and I figured out what the problem was. He was never a nice rooster, but he made a delicious broth.:lau
Sounds just like my hubby's favorite rooster , we will just say he named it little poophead to keep from offending anyone.
I ordered 2 welsummers from cackle back in april along with several other breeds to add to my flock. They sent a third and one turned out to be a cockerel. The 2 pullets are not friendly in the least bit, but that's ok with us. Just hoping the freebie turns out to be a good rooster when he grows up. The new ones are all about 3.5 months old. The cockerel started trying to crow about a week ago, sounds pretty pathetic like a 1 year old bull elk attempting a bugle.
:gig Welsummer roosters are so beautiful, such a classic design! :love I'm sure they knew they were sending you a cockerel though, yeah? Also, I'm Australian and have never heard a bull elk... but I have heard a bugle so it doesn't take much imagination :lol: Thanks for sharing.
My Welsummer (the one in my profile pic and who I thought was an RIR until someone on this site corrected my ignorance) is my favorite hen and the one that will let me hold her. Hopefully yours will come around. Good luck.
She's a cutey! And it's good to hear the more positive reviews on this breed since I was starting to think that 'Welsummers are really friendly' might be a bit of a myth.

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