I've been proven wrong...(pic added!)

Poulets De Cajun

11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
Houston MetroMess, Texas
Well as my luck would have it.... I've been proven wrong. As much as I rant and rave that you CANNOT sex a Silkie earlier than 5 to 6 months, apparently my 3 month old Splash chick is crowing, or so my roomate tells me.

I haven't heard it yet, so no conclusions are final until a full investigation has been completed...

Stay tuned for details....
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I'm still waiting...
(to be proven wrong)
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I also thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken LOL. Rule # 1
you are never ever wrong.

Well I haven't been proven wrong, i've just been given a different point of view... LOL

This is the chick responsible for the change in thinking. Can you believe it! I heard him with my own two ears this morning, and then just to make sure I heard what I thought I heard, I stood there and watched him until he did it again. Sure enough, he crowed! It was very raspy, scratchy, and sqeaky... kinda like a prepubescent boy, but needless to say there it was.

For comparison, the white chick and two black chicks he is with are only two months old. I still can't believe this VERY YOUNG bird is crowing.

***Newbies, this is an exception to the general rule. Dont take this as "standard procedure" because it by far isn't***

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