I've been thieved!

I would think the construction crew would not steal your chickens. Most of them probably think they are "just chickens". My guess would be someone that knows what kind of birds you have, and took advantage of all the commotion going on around there.
I had a chicken thief try to steal my chickens last year, luckily for me I get up early in the dark and sit out with my coffee watching the deer wander my fields. So it was pretty easy for me to reach in for my shotgun and sneak out to him while he was stuffing hens in a bag.
I'm a calm gal, especially when I KNOW I have the upper hand, so I made him put them back, sit on a stump, and talk to me for an hour about why he would try that, how he was raised, would his Mother be proud, oh the whole nine yards. He is now a neighbor acquaintance that I am on okay terms with, he traded me a lot of baby rabbits for some hatchlings from my flock this Spring. I made the poor guy cry, but I earned his respect by golly, and I am sure he has made sure everyone around knows I am always there with a shotgun waiting! I went ahead and ordered fake security cameras after that, and made sure one was pointing to the coop and another was ON the coop. Silly redneck thought he was gonna steal from THIS girl? Nuh-uh!
Honestly, things are getting worse out there folks...People are going to steal what they can...thanks for the reminder..need to lock a bunch of stuff up!
It is absolutely possible that it was someone other than the framing crew. BUT, it did happen over lunch and there were 10 plus guys on a two story house 60' from the pen/orchard. Some one should have seen something.

I don't know if they are related but I'm keeping my eyes open from now on.

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