I've found a chicken

Thank you everyone for the advice. I live in New Zealand so racoons aren't an issue here haha, I don't actually think there are ANY predators in the area but I will definately start building her a coop or find her one in the coming days. I am currently sitting university exams but when they finish all my attention will be hers! She is adorable in every way possible! I will post a couple of photos in a few days time hopefully of her new living arrangement. Shes slowly getting healthier than when I first saw her which is a good sign, and she follows me everywhere I walk. I think I may have found a new best friend =D
I agree with the poster who suggested getting her a companion if you decided to keep her as chickens are very social creatures. Getting her a small coop or tractor with a nest box is also a good idea. It will make it easier to gather the eggs once she starts to lay.

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