Ivermectin use in cats?

Sure wish to be able to talk to rumorasit so that I can get some dosing info for cats. And just so you all know that article info given by KayTracy says that topically the Ivermectin DOES fight external parasites on cats if applied TOPICALLY!
Scaredy Cat returned shortly after I made my last post. She came streaking across the front lawn and ran under my truck. I immediately went out with food, and she actually started 'talking' to me - she never does that. Something really has her spooked as she is spending all of her time sitting on the landing platform of my pigeon loft. She only comes down to the ground for the necessities. The girl is a survivor.
I hope you get this, I just picked up Ivomec Injection 1% for my chickens & the person working in the store mentioned how well it works on dogs and cats. I cannot find a clear answer on how much to dose them. I have 3 cats, two at 14 lbs and one at 9 lbs. Thanks you if you get this!
She's gone again. Several weeks ago there was a coyote pup vocalizing in the hay field to the West of our house. For the first time since we have lived here ( almost 50 years) there are coyotes that are vocalizing. I would occasionally see tracks in the snow, but never heard them. Evidently a pair has raised cubs just to our West, and they have become quite noisy. Hopefully she has gone to a safer place and is being fed there. Deer season starts soon, and the coyote population will be lessened. Hopefully she will return.
I think that she has returned. We just got back from 'Half Priced Pasta' night, and as we pulled into the driveway I saw the white rear leg of a cat as it darted past my parked truck. Filled a bowl with feed and when I went back outside I could hear a cat meowing. Hope that she is back. If indeed it is her, she was gone about 6 weeks this time.
She's back. This morning there was a freshly killed deer mouse on the drive near my truck - payment for the feed that I gave her? Saw her hunting in the hedgerow to the West this afternoon, and she came and ate tonight as soon as I fed. She is a survivor.

Just found this thread and am loving your journal of Scaredy Cat's history with you. A stray cat showed up at our place today, an orange tabby, unneutered male, scared my free range lawn ornament rooster, Deacon, to death, but it's obvious he's used to coming inside someone's house. No collar, probably ear mites, good weight on him. I fed him some tuna, scrambled eggs and later in the day, DH went to General Dollar and got some cat crunchies. No idea if he's a stray or lives somewhere around, but the chickens were freaking out. I think the freak-out yesterday must have also been about him. So, if he sticks around, he gets ear mite and flea treatment, rabies shot and eventually, neutering. If not, the chickens will love the cat food.

I was wondering about the invermectin since I do have the pour on kind.

Years ago, a cat used to come by here, circle my deck, go back down the stairs, kept the mice and rats away. Couldn't get close to him. Called him "Ghost" because if you stared at him, he'd disappear. He came around a year before I started to feed him. I left food out for him for two years and eventually, he vanished. My little well house was chewed all up and I know he'd been hiding up in there from something, either fox or coyote. Guess it got him. Haven't seen a cat around here in ages, figured the coyotes, who have only started sounding off this year after living here for over 12 years, or the foxes I see occasionally, were munching on them. I hope this one evades the canine predators. He's very, very sweet and desperately wants to come inside, but I haven't had pet hair in the house since the fire and renovation so I really don't want a house cat. I do need a mouser, though!

Here he is. He's not a kitten, certainly, but how old would you think he is? I haven't had a cat since I was a teenager so hard to guess, but I'd say a year or two old, maybe? He keeps jumping into our big wooden rocking chair with cushion on the deck or my park bench, also on the deck with cushions on it as well, so he has a soft place to sleep. We put a small pet carrier near the kitchen door with towel inside and took off the wire door in case he decides he wants a more protected place to sleep out of the wind.

Video of this handsome guy:


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