Ivermectin use in cats?

TNR - trap, neuter, release - generally they clip an ear tip if that has been done. After her 180 degree change in 'affection' I began to wonder if perhaps she had been a spayed pet that had some horrible experience and escaped. @WVduckchick, she hasn't gone on 'walkabout' since making contact with me. Also I don't think there is a resident coyote right now.
Nearly 8 years here, no kittens, either barren or TNR.

Wow, strange!

TNR - trap, neuter, release - generally they clip an ear tip if that has been done. After her 180 degree change in 'affection' I began to wonder if perhaps she had been a spayed pet that had some horrible experience and escaped. @WVduckchick, she hasn't gone on 'walkabout' since making contact with me. Also I don't think there is a resident coyote right now.

If she had been a pet though, would it have taken so long for her to come around? I mean, i could see a few months or even a year or two, but wouldn't they miss and crave attention? 8 years seems like a long time

Me too, NFC. :)

I was thinking Tom Not 'Round. :lau

Scaredy gave me a scare today. She's been gone for 3 days so I have been a little concerned. Took some garbage out to the trash can and on the way back to the house noticed something black by the chimney. Saw that it was the 'ever alert' Scaredy, but she was not moving or looking at me. I asked, "Scaredy, are you alive?" She slowly lifted her head and stared at me as if to say, "Must you bother me?" Took some food out to her, and she got up and wished me a Merry Christmas.
We're in the single digits, and apparently the dog kennel filled with hay is not warm enough for Scaredy as she is once again curled up by the chimney. I cleaned and powered up my whelping kennel. It has a bowl type heating pad and a light bulb for warmth. Scaredy is very perceptive. I'm betting she will be using it by nightfall. Princess asked if I was going to put her in there so that she would know. Umm, NO! I value my hands too much. Scaredy will not tolerate what she regards as indignities.
We're in the single digits, and apparently the dog kennel filled with hay is not warm enough for Scaredy as she is once again curled up by the chimney. I cleaned and powered up my whelping kennel. It has a bowl type heating pad and a light bulb for warmth. Scaredy is very perceptive. I'm betting she will be using it by nightfall. Princess asked if I was going to put her in there so that she would know. Umm, NO! I value my hands too much. Scaredy will not tolerate what she regards as indignities.

Sounds like a good plan Sour. These bitter cold temps are hard on animals. Bet she'll appreciate the warm spot.

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