JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Yes, you are lucky... There are actually a lot of people who are able to sell eggs to various people... But I've never been able to.. I've tried CL for both eating eggs and hatching eggs and I've put auctions on here for hatching eggs... I have several different breeds so the chicks would be mutts so I know I can't get a lot for hatching eggs but I think between $.50-$100 per egg is reasonable for hatching... Maybe I'm wrong??


I haven't sold for hatching yet, but all of the ones I sell are fertile. I am only getting 3.50 a dozen to customers and 2.50 to the store. It pays for a little chicken food. I'm hoping this year to pick up production and sell enough to pay their feed bill. :) that's the goal! If the BCMs are nice layers then this fall I may sell some of those for hatching too.
Right now I just pray I can hatch them!!

I sell mine for $4-$6 per dozen depending on whether it is chicken, duck, goose, turkey, or quail eggs.
I candled again this morning and
Actually saw something in 4 of them... One I threw out because it was clear and had a crack in it... But otherwise I just saw a dark blob- Is this normal? I am on day 5.

Hoping that I am doing everything correctly
That depends on how dark the eggs are... Not sure what kind of light you are using but a small LED mag light works really well... Regular flashlight bulbs are not strong enough to go through most eggs... If they are really dark like BCM's, you probably won't be able to see through them at all... I have some EE eggs that I will not be able to see through at any point so I will just need to keep a closer eye on those to make sure they aren't weeping...


Candled last night a few of them and was SO pleasantly surprised! the green eggs GLOW green in the dark under the light! SOOO freaking cool!
I can't SEE anything, well a few shadows of yolk, and dark air sacks... that is all... but it was fun!
and those dark marans eggs... might as well be solid!

oh, and sadly found two more with cracks... :-( left them in tho, cause they weren't clears... is that ok? or am I lookin for trouble here?
one seemed to have a black dot... will it just die???
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Well I set 7 eggs on Sunday 1/9/11 at 9:23am. This is my first hatch and I'm anxious. It has also become a class project of sorts with 3 of my kids' teachers. (We homeschool w/a virtual school and use webcams and such). So now I'm really anxious to have this hatch work out. We're on day 3 and this is what I saw in 2 of my leghorn eggs. Please tell me we are heading in the right direction.... LOL


Thankx and good luck to all!!!
hah im not very good at this but... thats what mine looked like after 3 days (this is my first time ever candling though)
I candle on day 18 because I lack experience.. lol... on day 18 it is either developing or clear.. no doubts.. they still don't all hatch..but at least I have a better idea.. : )

Good luck with your project.


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