JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Now, you know whenever you hatch eggs, there will always be at least one that will steal your heart and you will just HAVE to keep...

It is prolly a good thing I don't HAVE a husband...
but come to think of it...
perhaps I will never FIND one with a chicken addiction... huh???
uh oh...

now, for real stuff... if I set eggs at 8 am on the 9th, that means lock down at 8 am on Wednesday, right???
Oh my, everyone counts this different!

Sorry to hear of your family's loss GreenGoddess.

I'm anxious to see some more pics of fuzzy butts also....going into lockdown in a couple days.
Now i just need to find someone with a few lav orps and/or sizzles.. I would love to have a breeding pair of BOTH! That would still allow me to keep 4 others from my own stock... Unfortunately, they are hard to find and when I can find them, WOW they are expensive!!! Anyone willing to send me a few?!?!

Sorry.. have to keep my sense of humor!

to GreenGoddess

I'm going to float test my remaining dark eggs I can't see into this evening...then lockdown? I am really concerned that several are not as large as they should be....
So sorry to hear about your Aunt passing Terri.

My egg chart said I should have gone into lockdown yesterday with my remaining 7 but last night candling them there is still way to much fluid in there and the egg isn't full of chick yet. I think my early temps might have been off a little (before I bought the new thermometer) and I know the humidity was too high because outside the 'bator has been 70% - 90%+

I'm giving them an extra day in the main 'bator because the last thing they need is higher humidity when they already look like they might be at risk of drowning. I didn't turn them and I hand turned the other eggs so as not to disturb my babies.

Am I doing the right thing? I've been fighting to keep the humidity down and these little bantie eggs have thick shells! My porous eggs look on track with the air cell but not my poor banties. I don't want them to drown when I know I have 7 little wrigglers in those eggs.
Goddess, my husband tells me everytime we go to get chicks....now, just one. Remember, just one. I always come home with more. Good thing he loves me, or our house would stay at war.

I did not know that there was a difference in the lockdown time. I am a first timer. Some are completely filled, others not as much. What do I do?
Soooo....I made a mistake. Just so anyone knows: the float test is NOT foolproof. I decided to go ahead and lockdown a day late today...and float tested the dark eggs to check them. I had one obvious rotten, and one that sunk slowly but completely down so I pulled it. All others I tested passed! I returned all eggs to bator, added water/clean cloth with water under the wire, and took a pic (to follow). Before chucking the float test flunkee, I decided to make a small hole at the air cell end to see what went wrong. The air cell was actually ideal size and I saw movement under the membrane! I left membrane totally intact and replaced it in the incubator without further touching. WHY DIDN'T IT FLOAT??? Poor chick is probably doomed now, it hadn't internally pipped yet.

The pic shows all eggs except this damaged egg...I found it to be alive after I took the pic. There are: 19 brown leghorn, 12 Barred Rock,13 Rhode Island Red, 2 Pharoah Quail, and 1 Silkie mix for a total of: 47 in LOCKDOWN!

In the pic, the dark rectangle under the eggs is the clean and moistened cloth to help with humidity. As you can tell, the cartons took up too much room and were removed. Wish me luck!


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