JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

putting a new batch of eggs in some time this weekend

baught 24 eggs (should be rir)
and am adding a few of my egs
I have a few pips! Out of 60 eggs I have about 25 due today, and the rest tomorrow or Sunday. One is even hatching out of the test egg that I washed with dish soap. This looks to be a good hatch despite my incubator troubles.
Latest update: have 16 hatched so far and 1 more zipped
, still 14 eggs left that have not shown anything yet

This is a lot better than my last hatch 8 of 40 and 2 of those did not make it.

This is the 3rd hatch I have had in 2 months.
No wonder my wife thinks I am nuts, but we all know better. We just have more fun.

Hope everyone else is having good luck.
We have two chicks!
yipee!!! I will get pics when I get home, but the kids just got home from school and called!!!
one is brown, one is yellow...
the brown one came from a big pink egg I showed the pip from earlier!
I'm so excited!!!




I've been so worried since our heating element problem and after talking w/MuranoFarms today I decided (tomorrow is day 21) that if I hadn't seen movement before tonite I was going to do the float test.

I did it...

According to the float test...I should have 4 viable chicks!!! (out of the 4 eggs that are left) WOOHOO!!! Waiting to see if we get a pip soon!!!
Well, it is day 21 as of around noon today and I have 19 out, I think... I keep trying to count but they won't stop moving.. LOL... I finally tried to count the eggs that have NOT hatched and I had 21 so yeah, if I counted right, i have 19 chicks and now I have 6 more pips!! Ok... First one hatched out a little after 5 yesterday... So, please calm my fears for me... If I leave them in until Sunday morning (if I am still getting pips) they will be fine, right?!?!?!

It's driving me absolutely BONKERS not taking them out and putting them in the brooder.. I want them to have room to run around and I want to CLEAN the bator before the next ones go into lockdown on Monday!!

I have 19 babies running around with broken egg shells and 21 more eggs (as well as 14 more eggs in cartons) in a hova bator... Can you imagine the amount of space they DON'T have in there!?!? And I'm setting somewhere in the tune of 60 next hatch?!?!! I'm INSANE!!!!!

How do you do that without the humidity dropping??!? Oh teach me, Master!! LOL.. I'm so afraid to open anything more than one of the vents without shrink wrapping them... I'm not too afraid of drowning them anymore though.. The humidity had gone up to 80% and I still have chicks pipping and popping... But I am so afraid of drying the poor things out after what I went through last year with Miracle and a few others...

On a side note, I think I may have lost another one but again, only time will tell.. When it pipped, it started to bleed.. But, i just had two more hatch and at least another 6 pips...


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