JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Out of 30 eggs I had 15 hatch. 6 were formed and broke through the inner membrane but expired before they pipped. The rest were not fertile or expired the first week. So I got 5 out of 5 eggs last week and 15 out of 30 this week. Not bad for being clueless.
Well my January, 8th hatch is officially over!

6/9 hatched - not too bad I'd say!!

Only 15 more days and I'll hav baby Seramas....
First time incubating, and I'm hoping some folks would be kind enough to address some questions. I have 24 (Trader Joe's) eggs in the incubator. They are on day 12, and we just finished candling. In 16 eggs, I can see development and moving embryos. The 8 eggs I have questions about have various issues I'd appreciate comments on:
1. There is development, but the embryo is not moving. Do embryos 'sleep', or has it quit?
2. Just appears to be a floating yolk inside. Assume that it's just a floating yolk, and not fertile?
3. Same as egg #1, appears to be development, but embryo is not moving.
4. Appears to be just a red line around the yolk.
5. Same as egg #1, appears to be development, but embryo is not moving.
6. Development appears to be at an earlier stage than the rest, and the embryo is not moving. Perhaps quit a few days ago?
7. Same as egg #2, appears to be just a floating yolk.
8. Has a few red lines, and appears to be a broken yolk floating. Early quitter?
Thanks in advance for any comments!
I've only hatched once but I can tell you embryos do sleep. I had some each time I candled they would sit there looking dead and next time they'd be wriggling and others would be resting.
I'd say all the one's like 1 are probably just resting.
2 and 7 may have never been fertile.
4 is most likely a blood ring, a very early quitter.
6 you may be right and it may have quit but I had one like that an it hatched a small chick! I left it at day 10 and at day 18 it was wriggling
It's the smallest chick I hatched but it's healthy.
8 sounds interesting. Could well be an early quitter but I'd keep an eye on it. Those red lines give me hope, or could be just an odd looking blood ring.

Keep us posted, I'm interested to see how they turn out because I'm a newbie too

And I'd give them the benefit of the doubt. I was sure a temp spike killed all but 1 or 2 of my CNY eggs but I have 5 wrigglers in lockdown now! Good luck!
I'm very sad about my last five eggs. One was peeping SO loudly yesterday am but no more. Candled last night and see no movement and still nothing this am. It has died.
So we have nine cutie patooties! They are all doing super, learning to run and jump! And of course peck each other!! All are well formed and I pray some are pullets!!!
Anyone else have uPdates today??
Oh the ladies here have so started laying! Yeah!! So perhaps some homegrown hatch soon... ROFL..... ADDICT!!!

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