JAN 28th HATCH!!! Who's with me?!?

Broody hen just gave me a present...


Guess this little call duck will be called, Riddler... love the question mark on it head.

May be crested! Crossing fingers
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It's day 22 and nothing....I'm starting to believe that we will NEVER see one hatch! I float tested and all floated slightly...1 wiggled a bit... I candled and can see some small movement and the egg is pretty full and the air sac is pretty big.

So maybe tomorrow? Guess I'm just anxious...
My hatch is going very slow. We now have 5 and 3 more pipped. But, we have had to rescue 3 due to varied temps and the membraine drying out. The one that was rescued this morning is eating and drinking already. Be patient. They will slowly start hatching. It is day 22 for me too and I still have a long way to go. All but one passed the float test and I marked that one and saved it to see if it hatches. I did drop one today. It was already dead and had started to form.

The float test is in quail section and marked with a sticky. I copied it when I saw it so I don't know what page it was actually on.
Mine were all supposed to hatch on the 28th or 29th but i still have gotten absolutely no signs. these are the first eggs ive ever done and im kind of discouraged... im not even sure if there are any developed... ive never candled eggs either.
how were your bator temps? do you know the eggs were fertile?
it's so frustrating when the do nuthin......
and sad when they do sumthin then die...
but... all you need is one hatch of a cute fuzz butt and it's worth trying it all over again!
(my last try in my new bator went great but they ALL died at lockdown!!! ugh... then I found out my thermometer was FOUR degrees low! I cooked them!!!)

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