Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

i feel you. I made my own- I have 2 here and the purple one was running diff. from the blue one cooler(blue cooler 5/5 eggs due on 23.- I still have 2 eggs in purple one I moved them to a warmer part of the incubator- but they were the ones due to hatch today. I did get one chick last night

- one twin egg that was peeing with the hatched one didn't hatch
(egg topsy not gory)there was no reason it should not have- it was moist not too moist, beak had made it through membrane, it had absorbed, it just never pipped- I know if they didn't pip then it is because they were not health. but none of this roos chicks made it so far.
which makes me sad, this chick hatched but is not the son of the above bird...
this is his dad and I gave him away.
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I was surprised this morning with two babies almost out . They were fast and before you know they were out. The others got motivated and now cripping. Day 20 here. Lol
good morning,

Our weather has cleared up........

Ameracaunas due tomorrow...Really hope these hatch. Have been wanting some for quite awhile.............
Down to one incubator......the one I used as a hatcher had a burned out element.............
Planned to replace the element.
Then my DH said something unkind about it being on the kitchen counter.......
I moved it into another room and set it on the floor thinking I would clean it and put it away later.
My DH's great Dane got excited hearing raccoons outside, went bonkers and stepped on the incubator..........
Several times from the look of it.............
I am more than a little upset and it really is my fault
for losing my temper and not putting it away properly. grrrrrrrrr
Seems I should be able to put a hatcher together??????????? until I can get another
incubator but I am not good at building things...............we'll see.
Thanks for listening..............

could you use a storage container and a light bulb or something
Well, we have one internal pip, two external pips and one fully hatched chick! It can't seem to get one of it's feet under it... It's toes are just curled and it has trouble standing so I stuck it in my brooder to get it off of slick floors. I have read that brooders should be around 100*? Mine is 110 in the very center of the light, with lots of room to get away from the light, so that should be good, right? The chick can still move away or further in... Just slowly and slopily since its toes keep trying to curl.
I am on day 19 biting my nails I want a fuzzy butt
no signs of anybody hatching yet and during my last candeling there was still alot of clear at pointy end. Is it bad if I continue to candle the eggs when they are in lock down?
I am getting the idea that as long as there are no pips and I maintain the humidity it should be fine.

I was bad and ordered some eggs off of the forum I didn't get anything from my last shipped eggs. They will Ship on 2-17 I am hoping I will be done hatching by then so that I can fill the incubator up again getting 18 plus eggs shipped and will probably pull from my own hens to top it off I love having a full incubator. I have another batch due to hatch on the 21st and then another one due on the 29th lol I will be hatching chicks every week for a while.
I am on day 20. I am having trouble keeping up the humidity. I am pouring water in every morning even though I am on lockdown. I heard cheeping this morning when I added water, but I can't see any sign of pipping and there hasn't been any egg movement. My husband thinks there isn't enough room for the eggs to move and hatch. I am worried....don't know what I am doing. Hopefully one or two can hatch and I can take them out quickly and give everyone else some more room. I am crossing my fingers.....
Crawling out of my skin waiting on this last chick. The backward babe has just increased its pip size and keeps sticking its beak out into the world. I want to get them in the brooder.
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I am on day 19 biting my nails I want a fuzzy butt
no signs of anybody hatching yet and during my last candeling there was still alot of clear at pointy end. Is it bad if I continue to candle the eggs when they are in lock down?
I am getting the idea that as long as there are no pips and I maintain the humidity it should be fine.

I was bad and ordered some eggs off of the forum I didn't get anything from my last shipped eggs. They will Ship on 2-17 I am hoping I will be done hatching by then so that I can fill the incubator up again getting 18 plus eggs shipped and will probably pull from my own hens to top it off I love having a full incubator. I have another batch due to hatch on the 21st and then another one due on the 29th lol I will be hatching chicks every week for a while.
I know it is hard but important not to open the incubator during lockdown..............The thing about cand
ling is that the chicks are getting in position to hatch...........that is why we quit turning........... W e can mess them up by handling them. Day 21 is the target date for hatch..sometimes runs a little over......
Even under a hen, they do not all hatch on time. That is why chicks can go three days without food or water. Allows the hen time to hatch all her eggs........
Opening the incubator can cause shrink wrap due to the humidity change. They will be fine.....SIT ON YOUR HANDS.........

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