Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

what she her name be?

here is my Polish babies first baby!!
squeeee! I love her
I want polish so badly now uggghhh!!! I actually had a polish chick once... so sad... it was in an order of CornishX meat chicks that I ordered online... it was my free rare breed chick. when it arrived it was weak and lethargic, I think it got too squished by the meaties (they were already so big comparatively even at 2 days old) and it died almost immediately... I would love to have a polish.. mwahaha more breeds!!!

The first two pics are the egg being candled at different angles from the air sac (fat end). I just am uncomfortable with all the light can can pass through. It appears the chick is stuck on one side of the egg. The bottom pic is candled at the pointy end showing even more light through. The chick is not filling enough of the egg, now being day 18. I'm surprised there is an active chick in there! I did use an auto turner the first three days, but noticed it turned just to one side after rocking every two hours...always ended up to the one side. By day four I've been hand turning those babies several times a day. Whatcha think? I think it's a goner. I have a few just like this. These are my eggs from my flock. Nothing shipped. Thank you for helping me work through this
I didn't want to post right away because all I can contribute is bad news bears...

I had an egg that looked like yours during my last hatch! It looked under-developed for it's age by day 18, it could have been day 15-16 or so. I also had a clear area near the top you could shine light through, but I was able to see movement and veining so of course it stayed in. All other eggs were dark and full to the brim. I hand-turned those eggs, but this was the only one with the problem. I think it might have gotten stuck, or otherwise malpositioned somehow.
The chick did not make it to full term, it appeared to have died around day 16 when I eggtopsied. However, I did see movement on day 18, so I think it was behind in development. This is just my experience, and it's only 1 egg (mine were shipped, unlike yours). I hope this is not the case for you -- this is just my experience

I do think it had to do with turning, in my case. I can think of 2 days during incubation that I was sick and did not turn enough times (1x on one day, 2x turned on the next sick day) when I was turning 3x per day. Also, I think I will go for 5x hand-turns per day in the future, myself
hope this helps
You wouldn't think it, but these can be great layers of nice size eggs. I had a white one, that a friend now has. He says that she is one of his best layers, and I've seen those pretty blue eggs. Wish I had kept her.
Too bad you aren't closer...I would LOVE to get some hatching eggs from you! Updated pics when they get a little bigger..I would love to see what they look like!
I read that you don't count the day you set as day 1, you count the next day. But now on another thread I just read that if you set before noon you count that day as day 1.
What do you guys do? I set the morning of the 31st. If I count that day, then tomorrow is lock down. If I start counting on the 1st then I have another day before lockdown.
What to do!?
I have always counted 24 hours after I set eggs as day one, nomatter the time.... but this is only my third time incubating so I could be wrong.
I didn't want to post right away because all I can contribute is bad news bears...

I had an egg that looked like yours during my last hatch! It looked under-developed for it's age by day 18, it could have been day 15-16 or so. I also had a clear area near the top you could shine light through, but I was able to see movement and veining so of course it stayed in. All other eggs were dark and full to the brim. I hand-turned those eggs, but this was the only one with the problem. I think it might have gotten stuck, or otherwise malpositioned somehow.
The chick did not make it to full term, it appeared to have died around day 16 when I eggtopsied. However, I did see movement on day 18, so I think it was behind in development. This is just my experience, and it's only 1 egg (mine were shipped, unlike yours). I hope this is not the case for you -- this is just my experience

I do think it had to do with turning, in my case. I can think of 2 days during incubation that I was sick and did not turn enough times (1x on one day, 2x turned on the next sick day) when I was turning 3x per day. Also, I think I will go for 5x hand-turns per day in the future, myself
hope this helps :)

That DOES help! Thank you! This is my first time, and I've learned lots from my experience (and this thread). I expected some hiccups, and that's ok :) I have 22 eggs total so I'll be happy if at least 6 make it :fl I'll post pics by Friday...come on babies! Grow grow grow!!!!!
I read that you don't count the day you set as day 1, you count the next day. But now on another thread I just read that if you set before noon you count that day as day 1.
What do you guys do? I set the morning of the 31st. If I count that day, then tomorrow is lock down. If I start counting on the 1st then I have another day before lockdown.
What to do!?

I keep it simple....................If I set on Friday, then 21 days is three Fridays ahead..................then I count back three days for lock down.........
Folks all have different ways, but I just choose not to make myself nuts with micro-managing--(no offense meant by that)
Hens do not have a clock to figure out what time they started to set ,they just do it.........and often hatch over a few days.
I wasn't stressed about it. I figure one day either way wouldn't effect things too much but was curious what others do.
I think I'll just stick with my original plan and go into lockdown on the 18th.

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