Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long


Look at the muff already on this one! Going to have a great muff and beard! Darling.
hehehe I just want to pinch it's little cheekies!!

aren't they precious! looks like you may have a little roo with the dark feathers

I ended up with 2...shipped eggs you know....anyway a little girl and a little boy funny he constantly has a song he sings...very gentle birds and of course beautiful...I'm not breeding them they are just part of my chick tv lol
oooh you are so lucky... I was hoping at least one would be a girl, and maybe next year I could breed them.. but you are right they are getting dark wing feathers in

I read online to give them until 2 weeks because sometimes the first row of wing feathers is black and the second row comes in salmon (female) sooo holding on to some tiny bit of hope...lol... if they are males they will probably go to my friend's farm, she has the wyandotte chicks of the same age so they can be friends again.

I was really looking for pullets
but a breeding pair would be AWESOME too!

Great pictures............................
A little heart broken this afternoon....
Two chicks out...two did not make it during zipping.............
Must have been something with the incubator...one had the membrane wrapped around it's beak,
the other had zipped all the way around and never broke through the membrane.........
Hygrometer reads 70.............
Still have 8 eggs in there but not holding my breath.day 23............
Sorry to sound like a downer.......it's just where I am today.
I really had my heart set on those eggs..............
If I choose to grab some gratitude, at least I have two chickies to grow up together............

Need to catch up on the thread and see what is going on for the rest of you...............
Oh boy am I nervous, just set seven today for the first time ever. These are a mix of my red sex links and a brown leghorn rooster.
(I also set one from my EE, because I had one spot left, that's why there's a blue one)





Alright all you wonderful people! I mentioned a couple days ago my worry about small air sacs on day 16. Also about 4-5 have too much clear in my opinion. They are all actively moving, but I'm seriously concerned about this last candling. Here is a good example I took tonight...just want to know if someone has experienced this before and the outcome. Thank you!!!!!!!

Alright all you wonderful people! I mentioned a couple days ago my worry about small air sacs on day 16. Also about 4-5 have too much clear in my opinion. They are all actively moving, but I'm seriously concerned about this last candling. Here is a good example I took tonight...just want to know if someone has experienced this before and the outcome. Thank you!!!!!!!

that's how far a long? does it look the same all around the egg? can you take a photo of it from the top down?
are you using an auto turner?
The first two pics are the egg being candled at different angles from the air sac (fat end). I just am uncomfortable with all the light can can pass through. It appears the chick is stuck on one side of the egg. The bottom pic is candled at the pointy end showing even more light through. The chick is not filling enough of the egg, now being day 18. I'm surprised there is an active chick in there! I did use an auto turner the first three days, but noticed it turned just to one side after rocking every two hours...always ended up to the one side. By day four I've been hand turning those babies several times a day. Whatcha think? I think it's a goner. I have a few just like this. These are my eggs from my flock. Nothing shipped. Thank you for helping me work through this :)
what she her name be? here is my Polish babies first baby!!
Oh look at that cutie!!!!! Congrats to you!!! How mAny more to go?

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