Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

from my most recent hatch in this here hatch a long....

Salmon Faverolles - 1 week old

the little one always tries to go under the bigger one's legs

Great pictures............................
from my most recent hatch in this here hatch a long....

Salmon Faverolles - 1 week old

the little one always tries to go under the bigger one's legs

aren't they precious! looks like you may have a little roo with the dark feathers

I ended up with 2...shipped eggs you know....anyway a little girl and a little boy funny he constantly has a song he sings...very gentle birds and of course beautiful...I'm not breeding them they are just part of my chick tv lol
the difference between day 17 and 21 is huge...air cells do have time to develop.....but also candling only gives you some idea of what is actually happening inside...the membrane could be casting a shadow but there is enough of an air cell behind it

don't know how your "locking down" but eggs lay flat under the hen...I personally think the more natural the better for the chick to orient it's little self

I'm fairly certain that your hatch will go just fine...
I have never seen a turken baby (hadn't even heard of a turken until recently) I know it isn't what you wanted, but OMG it is cute. Like it has the worst '80's hair-style ever! LOL
haha right I teased my friends that I would hatch some out and give them as gag gifts I honestly wouldn't but when this mix up happened my friends say its karma lol I'll know when I get off work at 1030 tonight if all 6 are turkens and the guy I bought eggs off of has offered to buy them or trade for a dozen hatching eggs of the pheonixs I want so woohoo either way I'm set
Day 22 still twiddling my thumbs waiting on babies still no signs of life the eggs are not moving or peeping and for some reason I am having temperature issues can't seem to get it to stabilize going to try to find some more thermometers today wonder if that may be my issue.
My last 4 eggs are working on hatching! Well, actually, one has pipped, zipped, and was stuck so I helped it pop out. My humidity is pretty low (40% now) so I had to assist this one a little bit and will probably have to help the others. Two of the remaining three eggs have external pips and the other one has pipped internally, I think. I thought I could hear tapping on that one.

I did have two other eggs that quit on me a few days ago...I don't like doing staggered hatches as it seems like my incubator has temperature swings when it gets more empty so the last few eggs have trouble finishing. My main batch of eggs hatched on Tuesday and these 4 were due tomorrow...so they are a day early. The two that quit and I lost them were due in between these hatches.

The next batch will go into the incubator asap as I've been saving them up for a couple of weeks. I figure if they are clear at candling I'll pull them but if they start to develop then I'll be glad I've been saving them up!
I have never seen a turken baby (hadn't even heard of a turken until recently) I know it isn't what you wanted, but OMG it is cute. Like it has the worst '80's hair-style ever! LOL

I know..cute ey? I would so take this if she didn't want it and we lived next door. LOL....I love the whites! I had a beautiful white, but she didn't make it though a very brutal long cold spell we had year before last. Here she is a pullet..point of lay though. :/

I was just sick about losing her. I actually have one lonely NN egg to go into lock down the first part of March. And, I have more on the way since this batch didn't do well. I love them. I want another white one or a mottled one really bad.
Silkie EEs so cool!

You wouldn't think it, but these can be great layers of nice size eggs. I had a white one, that a friend now has. He says that she is one of his best layers, and I've seen those pretty blue eggs. Wish I had kept her.
My little Bantam Cochin eggs are in lock down. Woot. Tomorrow, my LF cochin eggs go into lock down, with one lonely Silkie egg.

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