Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

My presidents day hatch was a big success. Dry hatch method for me from now on!27 little babies!
Candy Corn Polish.. multi colors. :) I'm finally hearing peeping sounds in my bator..day 20. Bantam Cochins. Thought I would have seen a pip by now, but glad to hear something at least.
Woot woot!!!! I'm right there with ya! There's movement in there, tapping....so fun!
Sounds like you were running low instead of high like I originally thought. Give them some more time. I've had chicks hatch a whole week late when temps ran low.

Wouldn't that require taking them out of lockdown, if you candle them? From my understanding, internal pips normally happen after day 18. Although, it'd be pretty evident if you can hear them chirping!

Shhhh...don't tell anybody. I always open my bator during lockdown. I run staggered hatches with babies hatching every few days so hafta fish em out.

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