Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

I still got different answers on the lockdown day so I compromised and went into lockdown last night. I have to work today so I knew I wouldn't have time to mess with it this morning. We have 4 eggs that look very promising. Fingers crossed they all hatch!
oh pretty

I'm waiting on my candy corn polish eggs but she's in an ice storm....not a good time to ship eggs!
do you have a pic of the candy corn.I cannot imagine what they would look like.............
Candy Corn Polish.. multi colors. :)

I'm finally hearing peeping sounds in my bator..day 20. Bantam Cochins. Thought I would have seen a pip by now, but glad to hear something at least.
I still got different answers on the lockdown day so I compromised and went into lockdown last night. I have to work today so I knew I wouldn't have time to mess with it this morning. We have 4 eggs that look very promising. Fingers crossed they all hatch!

Good luck, I'm on day 20, hearing baby sounds. Finally!
sorry if you did not get all that you hoped for, but congratulations on the 3!

I also ended up with only 3 Fav's, sadly down to just 2 now...
are these the Am's or are those still incubating? would love to see photos of course when you get the chance :)
It was the Am's..Two going great, the last one I had to help and it is iffy...Not doing well. Very small and not on it's own yet.
I have it in the brooder in a large plastic dish because the other two keep trying to grab it's toes and it is not strong enough to get away from them.
I want to find eggs again and give it another try with the Am's.
Where is a broody hen when I need them..............
excuse me I'm trying to get the faces from my phone.

LOL, sorry, went out to do my morning chores... Spent some time watching the interaction between the new cockerel and the Dom Rooster, way better than yesterday, newbie was actually once again in the middle of the flock feeding unmolested.....
I had thought some of the pullets were close to laying, confirmed this morning when 2 of them squatted for the rooster

hung around to watch my favorite Java lay her egg, hoping she goes broody one of these days

From what I read dry hatching is keeping humidity anywhere between 35-45% My still air Hova Bator recommends 45 -50% until day 18... I am hitting it right smack dab in the middle... not allowing it to go above 43% and not lower than 37% so far I am only adding a few TBSP every three days.. I'm on day 13, candle tomorrow and will trace the air cells again... traced them at day 7 and they looked like they should be where they are... 27 out of the 42 have made it this far ( bought eggs at $5 bucks a dozen and a full 1/3 weren't fertile) a few quitters and one I dropped.. Getting exited for babies ....
It was the Am's..Two going great, the last one I had to help and it is iffy...Not doing well. Very small and not on it's own yet.
I have it in the brooder in a large plastic dish because the other two keep trying to grab it's toes and it is not strong enough to get away from them.
I want to find eggs again and give it another try with the Am's.
Where is a broody hen when I need them..............
Same place mine are, thumbing their nose at me lol!!!
Candy Corn Polish.. multi colors. :) I'm finally hearing peeping sounds in my bator..day 20. Bantam Cochins. Thought I would have seen a pip by now, but glad to hear something at least.
Day 19 here. Usually they start today to hatch but these looks like will be lazy. Lol
It was the Am's..Two going great, the last one I had to help and it is iffy...Not doing well. Very small and not on it's own yet. I have it in the brooder in a large plastic dish because the other two keep trying to grab it's toes and it is not strong enough to get away from them. I want to find eggs again and give it another try with the Am's. Where is a broody hen when I need them..............:barnie

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