Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

Ok kind of excited we decided to float test our day 24 eggs 28 tested good woohoo and were moving only two sank and as we were finishing we did the float test in the bathroom with the hot shower running and heat on high temp never went below 99 humidity never below 48% and while we were finishing up we heard peeping so exciting tell me what to expect now. By the way we did not float test the 3 cracked eggs for obvious reasons so exciting sitting on couch hearing peep peep.

Sounds like you were running low instead of high like I originally thought. Give them some more time. I've had chicks hatch a whole week late when temps ran low.
Well, I cleaned out the chicken house today and then we moved the fence a little different. They have more room to roam now. We moved the mama hen and her nest of eggs into a cage so she will be safe when they start pipping. She seemed happy with that, as she got out and ate and got some water and went back to her eggs. Can hardly wait to see what they look like
. Haven't gotten a chance to candle any of them as she didn't seem inclined to let us touch them, we could pet her, but not the eggs. I figure that they should start pipping some time Wednesday - Friday. Have Dr appts in Tulsa on Weds. so will be gone most of the day. Then another appt the next morning, but not as far away. Hope to get right back home both days so I don't miss anything.

Day 12 is almost over...Temps are holding very well with a low of 100.8 and a high of 102.3...figure the internal temps are somewhere in between...humidity is staying between 38-44, add water when it hits 37 but only have to add the smallest amount...Candled a few eggs to check the air cells and they are exactly where they should be, little buggers are moving a lot more than the last hatch... Putting the incubator back into the spare room with a heater is working perfectly!

What is considered the best humidity level for a dry hatch? I've read a lot and even Farmer V's link but it seems the numbers are all over the board...

I live in Oregon, sea level of around 520 neither to dry and depending on who you talk to and what time of year moderately wet...

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