Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

I am up to 3 babies now woohoo one still seems pretty weak but I think it will pull through it is a fighter,

I watched your video...baby looks good (normal)
membrane in the egg looks good too...not dry at all
Picture overload of a few that I hatched. They are all the light or dark blue, but one, it's a chipmunk color, still in the bator getting more steady on it's feet. I love the blues.

A bundle of blue...

Fluffy feet...

Oh man, I've been wanting a splash for a long time. I just set some eggs that have some Andelusian in there. Hoping for a blue or a splash. Those are beautiful birds you have there.
Well that is good to know I guess maybe because I am new I do not know what I am supposed to be looking for Is it supposed to be paper white near the Air cell?

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