Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

Nice! When did she start to lay? I have 2 potential pullets (fingers crossed they aren't small roos) I can't wait for them to be broody!

She and another silkie showgirl that i have started laying a month ago

Its nit a good picture but the showgirl is on the right and the father of the three chics that are supposed to hatch is on the right.

Here is again. Two eggs of him and the broody partridge silkie hen are under her as well as one egg is from him and the white silkie showgirl from the picture. By the way he is a light splash silkie roo. OH AND HOPE THEY TURN OUT TO BE PULLETS. Fingers crossed.
I've got 7 out and lots of eggs pipped. Ok I broke down and peaked in the bator. I told myself I wasn't going to look until tomorrow morning but I just couldn't stand it any longer.
Very nice looking! I know how hard it is to get pics of them...mine never sit still for pics lol
I guess I have a ways to go still as mine are only 18 weeks old...My 2 possible pullets are a black one and the other is partridge. and my Roo is white

Any pics?

Any pics?
Here are some from a few weeks ago...I wish I had better pics. (I use my phone & it is so slow) I get more pics of their butts then anything else lol

This one I'm not quite certain she's a she...?

I'm pretty sure she is a pullet...

This guy is my definite roo..can't see it in the pic but he has a nice big comb and he started crowing 2 days ago (not that I had any doubt he was a roo)
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Hello and welcome!!
what kind of eggs did you get?
I highly recommend the 2 links in my signature, particularly the Dry method
I wanted to get an opinion about what's been going on with my incubator the first day (I had posted this on my own thread somewhere else before I found this one) Here's what I wrote:

I just started incubating my first batch of eggs and I'm so nervous/excited! I have 25 various breeds (some from my own girls and some that were given to me from a friend's flock) I have read a bunch on incubating eggs and really hope this goes well. I figured I would post on here my"journey" in hatching.
I have a still air incubator for now (I want to update that later...maybe next hatch or so) The thread "Hatching 101" has been a wonderful source of information for me so far. I made sure to regulate my temps for a few days before I put eggs in there but the first morning after I started them (I started them in the evening), the temp shot up to 104* in the incubator. ( I have 3 different types of thermometers in there..one of them is a probe inside of a water wiggler to help get an idea of internal temp.that one wasn't as high, but it said 102*) How detrimental to the eggs is it that it got so high? I turned it down just a touch and it went lower than I wanted it to go(100* with the high number and 98.9* with the internal probe. I have since gotten the temp to stabilize..will these temp swings badly effect my hatch or not to much of a worry? I can't wait to candle my first eggs on day 7...waiting somewhat patiently lol

Edited to add: Also, my humidity was really high for a little while (49%) It's at 44% now but should I go ahead a take a bit out since it's on the higher end of the scale? (and did I really give my eggs a bad start with both of these issues I've had so far or should it probably be ok?)
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Here are some from a few weeks ago...I wish I had better pics. (I use my phone & it is so slow) I get more pics of their butts then anything else lol This one I'm not quite certain she's a she...? I'm pretty sure she is a pullet... This guy is my definite roo..can't see it in the pic but he has a nice big comb and he started crowing 2 days ago (not that I had any doubt he was a roo)
They look nice so far hope you canget better pics

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