Jan./Feb. 2014 hatch a long

My Wheaton girls are being loved by their man WAY too much. All this egg fertilizing can take its toll on their backs. It's a rainy day, and I'm sewing some love to my baby makers. Just picked up elastic cord, and used scrap flannel. I recommend it! Fits nicely! If you fellow incubators have your own eggs you're hatching, this may be an issue. Day 14 for my eggs (and counting....)
omgosh that is sooo cute!!! AWESOME idea!
a broody hen likes to say in a deep quiet voice "kuluckt" almost sounds like "collect" this is what I say to my peeping eggs plus I always sing the "Dumbo's momma song"- Baby mine.
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I have a trilling whistle-like call I use to command my chickens. I can get them to either come to me or herd them exactly where I want with a few careful and exaggerated arm movements and that trill. It gets their attention instantly and they then watch me for what I want VERY carefully when I make that sound. So far it has worked perfectly on all my chickens from three different places. Not sure what it is about that sound but they just become VERY attentive to my instructions when I make it. So I have been calling to them with that in the hopes that they will know that is a very important sound.
Tmrw is lock down on my stacked egg experiment in a lg forced air incubator I have. 66 eggs that are over much so growing I am going out tonight to buy another incubator to help with lock down :) so very excited glad I listened to the local old man who told me it was possible to crowd the eggs in my bator now to see how my hatch rate goes
I do know temps are higher in upper part of an incubator, so the eggs would be hatching in diff. temps. the temp is even diff under an egg than above and they say when you should place the thermometor above the eggs but not touching the egg- (this may look like the bulb is touching but the bulby part is not.)

in this photo my heat is beneath the eggs- it looks like I can put more eggs in here but it is warmer on one end of the incubator so I don't.
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