Jan. Hatch A Long?

Unfortunately, I don't think there are any correct answers. There is a vast difference in people's opinions, hatching experience, incubating methods and so forth. This has been a long debated topic on BYC, whether assisting/helping is right or wrong. Incubating conditions do not match a broody's. So who's to say that if the hen hatched them, they would have all pipped,zipped and hatched. There are just too may variables to consider. Whether someone helps their eggs on day 20 or day 25, I will still support them when they need help, a shoulder to lean on, or cheering/pep squad.

I think you hit it right when you said, ... hatching experiences. I have hatched for years. I did the waiting game with the smaller eggs..and lost so many. Then I decided to try to help. Learned how with trial and error..took a while to get the hang of it, so no, don't expect a great hatch rate in the beginning, but after a while, I had it down pretty good. Still lost some of course. And yes, I did lose a few to having hatched them too early, but more often than not, they were ready, and I just helped them along slowly. Some will take a day to be fully out, some a day and half. I just go slow. Do I have better hatches now 4 years down the road from when I started hatching silkies. Yes. :) Much better. I tried a full year, wondering what in the world I was doing wrong. Those silkies with the high dome on the head just can't get turned in there. That's the conclusion I've come to with them. :)
My two cents; if you end up using these birds in a breeding program, either by choice or default, you are indeed lowing the standard of your flock.  To use them as pets, egg layers or meat, why not.
I agree except I noticed shipped eggs with saddle air cells need help occasionally and they are fine. I left mine alone and none hatched from one person and the other order has 4 out of 7 so far just letting them do their thing. Two I had to moisten because they were stuck to shell. A lot of loss but a lot of life. I'm happy because I will breed later and want strong stock.
do you think this one should be for caption contest?
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I just have my back yard stuff going on. No selling hatching eggs. No showing. Just my girls.

Chicken Junkey..love the photo. LOL...I would definitely save that one for something..caption..could even come in handy for someone that has just hatched for the first time and is worried that their chick is on it's back. They get turned right side up eventually. :) Cute.
I agree except I noticed shipped eggs with saddle air cells need help occasionally and they are fine. I left mine alone and none hatched from one person and the other order has 4 out of 7 so far just letting them do their thing. Two I had to moisten because they were stuck to shell. A lot of loss but a lot of life. I'm happy because I will breed later and want strong stock.do you think this one should be for caption contest?

That is so cute. Definitely worth a caption contest.
This is my first hatch, so I'm just hatching some barnyard mixes from my chickens. Two eggs (including the one that hatched) are from a little game mix and the other 3 eggs are from my easter eggers. My rooster is a buff orp.
This is my first hatch, so I'm just hatching some barnyard mixes from my chickens. Two eggs (including the one that hatched) are from a little game mix and the other 3 eggs are from my easter eggers. My rooster is a buff orp.

This is my first hatch, so I'm just hatching some barnyard mixes from my chickens. Two eggs (including the one that hatched) are from a little game mix and the other 3 eggs are from my easter eggers. My rooster is a buff orp.

Congrats. I can't wait to see what the EEs look like.

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