Janie is Hurting, Advice?

So glad to hear you've seen some improvement already! Once the meds really get into her system, she should do well. Good on the rest. That's key, says my vet-nurse-daughter. Gotta let the meds do their work without putting more strain on her back. Keeping you and Janie in my thoughts.
Today's news. We're having to keep an eye on Janie dear because she's wanting to go wandering. Even tried a bit of a trot! Stopped her of course, but I think a very good sign that she's feeling up to trying.

The steroids and all the healing thoughts seem to be working!
I would not assume what the dog has, or that there is no other treatment than a disc buggy - or even that a disc buggy is appropriate. It isn't always. If the prednisone is helping then that's the ticket.

I wouldn't assume any natural treatment would help a degenerative disc/neurological problem long term - it usually has nothing more than a temporary placebo effect. The condition marches on as time passes.

Many doxies do develop back and related neurological and pain problems.

Years ago, doxies were longer on the leg, shorter of back, and had sounder front and rear legs. They actually were very hearty hunting dogs and quite durable. It's going to extremes in type that has made the back problems so common. A breed I loved as a young person, and now avoid, which is sad.
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I'm glad to hear Janie is feeling better. Just remember that to prevent it getting worse or happening again your goal should be that she lives on a horizontal plane. So ideally no jumping, no stairs, no getting on or off furniture, no tricks that encourage jumping/bending/twisting etc. And strict rest for at least the next 6 weeks, you want her damaged disk to scar in place so that it doesn't start compressing her spinal cord.

I've seen the surgery be very successful and they shouldn't be in pain afterwards as a previous commenter said. You may consider starting saving if it is something you would consider as about 30% of dachshunds have disk disease.
Vet called to check on her today, which I thought was a nice touch.

She's really not loving being stuck sitting, keeps trying to wander around, which is good and bad... walking is improving I think, but no expert... hope it's more than wishful thinking. I do fear that she's still hurting though. The tenseness and shivers are still there, and sometimes the huffy breathing too. That I do NOT like at all.

Continued healing thoughts welcome... or at least no pain... if she never walks better than this, fine... but don't let her be in pain.
^Exactly... true it's when she's due for a pill mostly, but still it's shouldn't be there at all!

We've still got a few more days of steroids to go so I'm still

Edit... okay, the schedule was 3 days at 1.5 steroids and 1/4 pain pill twice a day, then 3 days of 1 steroid and 1/4 pain pill twice a day, now we're on the first day of 1 steroid a day and NO pain pill. She's still walking around some, when she's sneaky, but I can tell she's not feeling all that great. And no relief until the steroid in the morning. *sigh*
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