January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

Here are the little twins now. :hugs
Finished the New Year's Hatch-a-long with 8 new barnyard mutts. Have just filled the Incubator with 5 pekin duck eggs for the end of the month, hoping to add three more eggs tomorrow, and will continue to add till I hit 12 in total In theory, should be hatching the last days of this month.

That gives me as many days to finish building the new run and house for them (and to move out the 12 hatchlings from start and end of December).

Good luck to all.
Hi all, I am on day 12 of my BO/Swedish flower hatch now. I candled on Day 10 and tossed a couple of blood rings. 3 of the eggs looked like something was inside but there was no movement, and 3 eggs had movement but the veining looked weak/off for what it should be at this point. 7 of the eggs had good movement and veining, so hopefully most of those will hatch!
My pullet (will be hen on 19th Jan) is broody Again, so I gave her 5 eggs and we'll see how she goes being a first time mum. She's in the main coop with the others at the moment I'll just leave her there I think then move her and chicks to another coop after hatch. I usually would move broody and eggs but have my other coop occupied by hen and 6 week olds now. IMG20201231101839.jpg
I had such high hopes with this hatch. But, they went through a full day of 93F temp, and that probably killed them, even though they were alive after I got it back up. All made it to the internal pip stage and then died except the 2 that hatched. I still have quail due tomorrow but idk if any will hatch.

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