January 2021 Hatch-A-Long

They’re so cute! How did they surprise you? Did you have a broody you didn’t know about or something?
yeah I dont keep very good track of my hens haha
looks like 100% hatch rate to me!
Hopefully you can get her soon. Maybe she can be lured by putting the chicks where she can see and hear them?
she is insane
she will come to where the distressed chirp noises are (mostly via a YouTube video because we didnt want to actually upset the chicks) but she won't go inside the brooder (raised with small door) or into the barn. she is very aware that we are out to get her.
I got her into a live trap using the babies as bait lmao but she got out when I tried to remove her because she went nuts and ran around a lot and stepped on a bunch of her babies so i tried to get the babies instead and she jailbroke
then I left them alone and she was sleeping on the ground with them and I tried to put a towel on her and she went nuts
& etc etc and then she flew 100yds and ended up in that tree
she is insane
she will come to where the distressed chirp noises are (mostly via a YouTube video because we didnt want to actually upset the chicks) but she won't go inside the brooder (raised with small door) or into the barn. she is very aware that we are out to get her.
I got her into a live trap using the babies as bait lmao but she got out when I tried to remove her because she went nuts and ran around a lot and stepped on a bunch of her babies so i tried to get the babies instead and she jailbroke
then I left them alone and she was sleeping on the ground with them and I tried to put a towel on her and she went nuts
& etc etc and then she flew 100yds and ended up in that tree
She B crazy!
Yeah, definitely give it more time to equalize. Especially with eggs in it already "less is more". I usually wait 30-60 minutes after any adjusting before touching it again. I also never adjust it and then go to bed. No matter how certain I am it's adjusted correctly. Learned that one the hard way.
37 degrees C!! very happy
Guy I went to high school with is wanting to start getting into raising chickens and asked me if I was selling any laying hens. Well, I’m not selling any of my chickens, but I told him I’d be willing to hatch chicks using their eggs. Just need to wait for them to poop out 4 more eggs tomorrow and these will be going into the incubator. Chicks will be all mutts, but he didn’t care. I have ISA browns, black sex-link, white leghorns, black australorps ( I THINK they stopped laying for the winter ), golden laced wyandottes, and a black ameraucana ( she’s not laying yet, though ) hens. As for roosters, I have a RIR/BR mix, a cuckoo maran mix, a Barred rock, a black ameraucana, and 2 black Australorps. Interested in seeing what these chicks will look like
Guy I went to high school with is wanting to start getting into raising chickens and asked me if I was selling any laying hens. Well, I’m not selling any of my chickens, but I told him I’d be willing to hatch chicks using their eggs. Just need to wait for them to poop out 4 more eggs tomorrow and these will be going into the incubator. Chicks will be all mutts, but he didn’t care. I have ISA browns, black sex-link, white leghorns, black australorps ( I THINK they stopped laying for the winter ), golden laced wyandottes, and a black ameraucana ( she’s not laying yet, though ) hens. As for roosters, I have a RIR/BR mix, a cuckoo maran mix, a Barred rock, a black ameraucana, and 2 black Australorps. Interested in seeing what these chicks will look like
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all solid breeds! excited as well
all solid breeds! excited as well
I’m not sure if he’s going to get any chicks from my wyandottes or australorps. I only got 10 eggs today and I have 14 that should be laying right now. Pretty sure my australorps are on their winter break and the wyandottes might have too. Though, the wyandottes are a recent addition and the stress of new surroundings might have stopped their laying for now. I definitely have a lack of light brown eggs.

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