Japanese bantam ?? I believe dont know age or gender

yeah they did quote me they are some where around 2 and half months to 5 months and are u thinking pullets ? thankyou for your help
Yep. Both are pullets.

No problem!
@IrishAcreFarm Can you tell me what kind of bantam you have on the last picture you posted here? The reddish/orange neck feathers? I have a female that looks just like yours and I have no idea what she is. :/

Are you talking about my girl on the right? She developed from a black tailed buff hen, and a black jap bantam roo. Im not sure of the color variety, or even if there is one. Sometmes when you mix and match like that you get some cool varieties that are just great to look at, but arent recognized in shows. My birds are all pets, and bred for personality ( total loves!) So i never researched it further.
Yes, But now that i see a better pic of her back mine is way different. I'm going to post a picture of her to see if anyone knows what she is. All mine are pet's too, I just love my chickens!! Thanks for letting me know!
Yes, But now that i see a better pic of her back mine is way different. I'm going to post a picture of her to see if anyone knows what she is. All mine are pet's too, I just love my chickens!! Thanks for letting me know!
Wow, she is very beautiful and unique!!
I posted a thread under what breed is this and I am hearing Dutch bantam or Dutch bantam/OEG cross. She is a love! <3

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