japanese quail and hatching

good luck and fingers crossed every hatch I have had so far I couldn't hear anything but they hatched :)
Well I've been sat next to the incubator watching and the eggs are all bouncing around in there!! Hopefully not long to go
one unfortunately died this morning and another has a bad leg, they were fine up until being a week old this has happened, what tends to cause it?
one unfortunately died this morning and another has a bad leg, they were fine up until being a week old this has happened, what tends to cause it?
Only two have survived my hatch out of 20. I'd say 3/4 of them had a crossed beak so I think I was sent rubbish eggs. One of these guys is pretty weak so giving it sugar water every half hour. They break your heart don't they
its such a shame as they were fine first thing this morning so not to sure what happened, they sure do :(
Aww. ggarden: I lost one at a week old to pastybutt. Have you checked their back ends to makes sure none are clogged up?
I couldn't see anything just strange how they were fine one minute then dead the next :(
I have 12 japanese quail eggs in the incubator and tonight its day 16, but there is still no signs of pipping,

tried candling on day 6 and couldn't really see much apart from veins

is this normal? Thanks
I know you're quails already hatched and I'm super happy that they did but for futur reference for hatching,
1. It is SUPER hard to tell if a quail egg is fertile due to the small size and dots covering the eggs but veins in an egg usually means it's fertile
2. Not sure what type of quail you have but Corienix/Japanese quails are usually in the incubator for 16 to 18 days and I have been told most hatch on the eighteen day.
Hope this was helpful! I will also be getting quail eggs soon and I'll probably be super stressed about the fertility of the eggs so wish me luck!

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