Jeff Foxworthy

My 16 year old lives and breaths Jeff! Even wears his hair like him sometimes. Has his routines down to the word and makes us laugh all over again every time. We noticed his occasional curse word in his earlier routines disappeared when he had kids. Nice man all around! My boys would have had a heart attack to be able to really meet him!
My daughter always threatens to call Jeff Foxworthy and give him new "You might be a redneck if..." material that relates to me. You know, stuff like, "you might be a redneck if you have ever had a few dozen baby farm animals living in your kitchen." Or "you might be a redneck if you ever had to take bags of feed or chickens out of the tub just to take a bath." Or "you might be a redneck if you have to close the front door really quick so the chicken don't come in, or if it's no big deal if they do."
That Blue collar tour with the big 4 was great. Bill Engvall, is like Jeff, very clean act. The other 2 cross over to PG but not real bad.
I heard him on the Bob and Tom show once talking about this... He said the redneck bit was only a few minutes of his show, but everybody was always coming up with things for him. He said one couple said if they'd ever gotten a chance to meet him, they'd have to tell him about the time her brother got his nipple bit off by a beaver. "You are almost legally obligated at that point to ask, 'How did that happen?'" He told the story as related to him, then went on with, "Can you imagine the doctor at the emergency room? 'What's wrong with the guy in room 3?' 'He got his nipple bitten off by a beaver.' 'Look, I don't have time for jokes...'"
LMAO.. I think the last one should be.. "If you close the front door real fast so the chickens dont get OUT"

I think we all have a little redneck in us.
Must have been thrilling for your hubby to meet him . Please don't tell my DH. He'd be jealous.
Not so much meeting Jeff Foxworthy, but because your hubby gets to go to Bass Pro shop

Okay folks!! This one's for us!!!!

I peeked ahead in my hubby's
You might be.... calendar!!

Friday, November 14, 2008.............. are ya ready???

You might be a redneck if...

your first pet was a CHICKEN!

Altogether now:
So? What's wrong with that?!?

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