My DH found a recipe for nutricous snacks to distract brooder chicks from picking on each other. It called for unflavored gelatin and scratch grains, but all I had was peach jello and I used a vitamin fortified finch seed mix for my little bitty bantam chicks.
Mix up a packet of jello then add seed or scratch to the desired consistancy and let set up. I used disposable aluminum loaf pans. A scoop on a plastic lid set in the brooder gets devoured! They love it and it 's good for them. Just make sure your chicks are getting grit before feeding a snack like this.
One jello mix filled two small loaf pans.
My older birds thought it was delicous too.
Jello Shots for chickens!
Mix up a packet of jello then add seed or scratch to the desired consistancy and let set up. I used disposable aluminum loaf pans. A scoop on a plastic lid set in the brooder gets devoured! They love it and it 's good for them. Just make sure your chicks are getting grit before feeding a snack like this.
One jello mix filled two small loaf pans.
My older birds thought it was delicous too.
Jello Shots for chickens!