Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Heat maybe???

Could be. I found my JG roo dead under the roost and my OE roo dead in the dust bath bucket.

Sorry to hear about that. My jersey giant also died, although that was a long time ago. Here she is:
Mrs. Fluffy - I'm so sorry! I lost a Marans rooster not long ago, same thing - went out to check on them 8 hours after the last time, and he was dead as a doornail. Sigh....

Going to check out Soaring's cockerels now!

marct - if you have an incubator, several of us on here sell hatching eggs...or, if you are looking for hatched/juvenile/adult stock, I can refer you to someone in your area from the national club's breeder list if you like.
OMG - okay, that dark blue pullet from your 2/2011 hatch is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S !!!

The March-hatched babies are a bit young to tell too awfully much, off to take another look, but that dark blue gal...she's put stars in my eyes!
OMG - okay, that dark blue pullet from your 2/2011 hatch is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S !!!

The March-hatched babies are a bit young to tell too awfully much, off to take another look, but that dark blue gal...she's put stars in my eyes!

Thanks! She was the biggest pullet from pride and joy the splash was the next but she was on the bottom of the pack in the grow out pen and she is ruff looking and a little shy.( meaning hard to get a good picture on.
Hey everyone. I just wanted to show you a couple of my Jersey Giants.

This is Elvis. He is new to my flock and still in quarentine (sp).



And here is one of my girls. She is currently going through her Nanny McPhee stage. Kinda funny, so I thought I would share.



And may I say... Nanny McPhee got a big ole butt - oh yea!!! hehe
I don't have a pic yet, but my first chicken ever was Rocky. He is a beautiful black JG and he is a SWEETHEART!!! He was attacked last week by a huge dog and I am so thankful to the help on here. It is why he is still alive. I have to go today to get the money for his treatment from the dog owners. NOT looking forward to it because I am still emotional and I don't want to get "huffies" with them.
FireT - AWE!!! LOVIN' those fat lil' babies! Beauties!

felicia - SO SORRY to hear about your roo, but I'm glad you were able to find the help you needed to treat him. Remember before you chat with your's horrible to have bad neighbors....truly. So, please do what you can so the relationship isn't a complete loss, and I wish you the VERY best of luck with that situation!

Billyj - first off - KUDOS for quarantining your new birds! So many folks don't do that and end up with issues. I have to tell you of all the chicken names, I don't believe I've ever seen an Elvis before!
Billyj - first off - KUDOS for quarantining your new birds! So many folks don't do that and end up with issues. I have to tell you of all the chicken names, I don't believe I've ever seen an Elvis before!

Thanks he just looks like suede in real life so there it had to be Elvis​

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