Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I only have the one JG. She's always done the Ugly Molt. This year is by far the worse. She's barely covered. I finally set up a heat lamp for her when I caught her shivering. Good news is she's 8 days into this and a few of the feathers are just starting to open up. I'm hoping she'll have some coverage in another week.

My question is, is this a breed specific thing? Are JG's more prone to doing the ugly molt? None of my Buff Orpingtons do the ugly molt. Or maybe it's just unique to each individual bird.

Just curious what other JG owners see when their birds molt.
This is her third molt and every year it gets worse. I don't see how it can get much worse.

And tonight, it looks like she ripped out a pin feather. She's got a bloody spot and a hole where a pin feather should be. She won't let me near her. She must be in so much pain. I just went out to the coop and put a thin spread of Neosporin on it.

I've also closed up all the windows in the coop. I'm not sure the Buff Orpingtons appreciate that. But it's quite toasty up in there so at least I know she's comfortable at night.

My heart just aches for her. I wish I could do more. I do give her a high protein treat every day.
Poor, sweet girl! I wonder what on earth is going on with her??


She's always been an ugly molter but this year she out did herself. I'm in CA which is fairly mild. But still mornings and evenings are quite chilly. She must be in pain because she won't come near me for me to touch her or I'd bring her in and put her in a warm corner. Oh well.
You know, my exhibition-bred Giants have the very worst time molting, just like yours above! Poor thing!

(BTW: I have a really nice Blue cockerel for sale...anyone interested, please PM me)

I'll be curious to hear what others say about this, as well!
this is SO extreme!

worse would be NECKED!
I'd catch her and put some sort of sweater or shirt on her for warmth and self harm pecking
and even bring her inside so the buffs don't suffer from the closed windows and heat lamp.

mine are actually spoiled from last years season long heat light, (Virginia)
here goes my electric bill again! LOL
this is SO extreme!

worse would be NECKED!
I'd catch her and put some sort of sweater or shirt on her for warmth and self harm pecking
and even bring her inside so the buffs don't suffer from the closed windows and heat lamp.

mine are actually spoiled from last years season long heat light, (Virginia)
here goes my electric bill again! LOL

It's been two weeks since she started to molt and she's covered in pin feathers that have opened JUST enough so that you can hardly see any bare skin. And her regular personality has returned. YEA. I do have a heat lamp out in the run for her. She never did stand right under it. But I know it's warming up that whole corner that she likes to hang out in so I feel better about that. I think one more week and she'll be good.

I'm a little worried because she's always done a rough molt but it's gotten rougher as she's aged. I can't imagine what she's going to do next year. Course, it really can't get much worse than it did this year.

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