Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Thank you for the info. I have my Giants roost lowered to 2', guess hubby is going out to lower it some more.

Sorry about your girl giantsndottes.
Hi, i have a black jersy giant in my flock of six (one rooster 5 hens) we live in mid michigan and the weather has been getting in the 20's and 30's lately. i do still let the chickens out on account that there is no snow or wind as of late. All my chickens have been laying for months but my giant just began laying 2 weeks ago. her shells are very weak and almost always break as they are layed and her eggs that i am able to collect have weird bumps all around them making the egg almost feel like sandpaper. Any replies and clues/suggestions will be very helpfull.
Hi, i have a black jersy giant in my flock of six (one rooster 5 hens) we live in mid michigan and the weather has been getting in the 20's and 30's lately. i do still let the chickens out on account that there is no snow or wind as of late. All my chickens have been laying for months but my giant just began laying 2 weeks ago. her shells are very weak and almost always break as they are layed and her eggs that i am able to collect have weird bumps all around them making the egg almost feel like sandpaper. Any replies and clues/suggestions will be very helpfull.

I'm too have one JG and have a similar issue. My girl is 4 years old. She laid normal eggs up till last summer. I switched the flock over to Chick Starter as I introduced some new babies to the flock. She always had access to oyster shell and every other day I'd put out a scoop of egg shell. But she still struggled. So I got some powdered calcium for birds and I'd give that to her. It seemed to help. But I don't think I gave her enough. I was afraid of giving her too much.

She stopped laying in September when she started to molt. I found a soft shelled egg dropped from the roost the other morning. I suspected it was hers as later in the day, I collected an egg from each of the other hens. She took two days off and this morning she's in a nest. I'm really hopeful that this egg has a hard shell.

You can put calcium on a treat and just give it to her once a day. Get bird calcium that has vitamin D in it so she'll absorb it properly. I know some people feed hens Tums but I'm not sure how much. Maybe someone else will respond. Because a small piece of Tums would tuck into a raisin and you could see if that helps.
Where is a good source for white jersey giants? I was going to buy maria halls blacks but now I want to go with whites because it seems nobody has them, only a couple hatcherys. I thought about sand hill cause he says his has been a closed flock since he got them from golda miller, the same source maria hall started with her blacks. But now I am not sure about sand hill after reading a few bad reviews, and sand hill says many of their whites do not meet standards. I'm mainly looking for
the largest whites, for capons eventually.
Congratulations @TheSpiceGirls for her molt pictures of her black Jersey Giant, she just won BYC's "Ugly Molt Pictures" contest!

Thank you. I told Coco that she won and she was horrified that I shared that photo of her.

She's molted harder and harder every year since I've had her. I'm kind of freaked out about next year's molt. I may have to bring her inside for a few weeks.

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