Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

Agreed. It's always good to ask for lots of pics of the breeder stock, so you truly know what you are getting - and don't ever be afraid to ask questions! Heck, when I got my hatching eggs from Bobbi Porto, I asked her to please e-mail me a pic of the bottoms of her breeders' feet so I could be sure of what I was getting! I though she'd think I was nuts, but she readily got me a pic & said she understood & was glad I asked!
Awesome news - BEST OF LUCK! Keep us posted!
Here are some pics of my Jersey Roo's up for your critique... Tell me what ya think of these guys.

You may not be able to tell, but the leg color is right on them and they do have yellow on the bottoms of their feet. They are about 11 months old now. I didnt hatch these particular guys, but I did get them locally as 5 week olds.

The flock enjoying some yogurt while Andre keeps an ever watchful eye over his harem

AJ after indulging in some yogurt himself.

Biggie Blue from the side

Andre from the side

Those are just a few pics, sorry if the quality is not so hot. I have another big black Jersey roo, but he was off with some other hens.

Tell me what ya think! If you see a flaw, PLEASE feel free to point it out. I can really use some pointers and ideas of what to improve or keep.

My Jersey's are growing up! Yes, that awkward half grown lanky thing, I am totally seeing it!


One of his flockmate's feather's is stuck to his tail.....


My blue boy....

They kind of run like Forrest Gump did when he had the braces on......
Mine are about 5 months old and really quiet also. The roosters have not crowed, but the bantams the same age are screeching up a storm. I almost think they don't care to compete crowing wize. Mine are gentle but timid. They don't mind being petted while in the coop at night, but hate being picked up for some reason. Mine are also from Bobbi Porto eggs.
My mixed JG pullet (she's 3/4 jG) keeps laying these jumbo eggs. Most are double yolks but two big ones have been single yolks. And then a few
large and the small to the left. The white eggs are grade a large.

Will she continue to lay double yolks? Or is this happening because she's young? Is it a JG trait?

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