Jersey Giants thread for pictures and discussion

I got to giggling when I saw this picture...they ARE lovely but I kept imagining them as "can can" dancers!!

Here they are warming up for the show



Cool - thanks!

I look forward to learning more about these "gentle giants" - hope the reputation is true1

I do have to say that Moose is at the bottom of the pecking order and he's in a flock of 14 chicks, some younger than him and all smaller, of course!

He has the most gentle look in his eye, he's pretty quiet and gets along great with everyone - never makes a peep.

I hope he stays this sweet so we can keep him

I am really missing my Jersey Giant rooster 'Big Boy' I could always trust him around the kids. I am really glad he went to Kathy, and I know he didn't have a very good comb, but he was so pretty and glossy. Someday when we have land instead of a big Backyard I will definitely be getting Jersey Giants again. I like my Speckled Sussex, but the rooster's are showing a bit more aggressive traits than 'Big Boy' ever did (not to me, just to each other). I have two of his babies still, and I may be lucky, as I think I have a pair. They were started being raised by my broody bantam and now they are in my garage in a brooder box so I can get them used to me and being handled. They are just starting to be less skittish.
I don't know if my JG, Moose, is normal - he's almost 7 weeks old now? and spends way too much time sleeping or lazing around... and his crop's always empty, while the other chicks are eating like crazy. My same-age faverolle roos are half his size and weigh more. Is something wrong with him? He weighs nothing
Big Boy is doing great! He is truly a gentle giant. AND, just like you said, the biggest blue girl does not do well in this 108* heat. Over a week of this Arizona type weather is just too much! A few days ago she nearly went down. I brought her inside the attached garage that has an air conditioning vent, for the night. It isn't real cool, but it is sure nicer than 108. The next day she was all perky and ready to go again. She does fine when I let them out to range. They all high tail it to the timber. Nice cool dirt under all those trees.

Last week I penned all the roosters, and put all my girls in a layers coop. The Giants really miss Big Boy, I believe. I may need to take him out of the rooster pen and put him in the layers coop with all the girls (40). I wanted to give all my girls (all breeds) a break from the constant chasing down and mating for awhile since I am done hatching for the season. It is just too darn hot right now. I really think all my girls miss their rooster. I think they come to rely on the boys for more than just protection. It is as if the girls just don't know what to do without a male to guide them. It is really weird what I am noticing.

Tonight at lock up time I saw a raccoon. The hugest coon I have ever seen in my life! It scared me, and I am keeping all the birds penned tomorrow. No free ranging for awhile. I have my trap set, but this thing looked to be bigger than my trap! Honestly, he was HUGE! My daughter went out and lit off some M-80s in the direction the coon went. I don't know if that scared him or not, but I hope it did.
Big Boy is doing great! He is truly a gentle giant. AND, just like you said, the biggest blue girl does not do well in this 108* heat. Over a week of this Arizona type weather is just too much! A few days ago she nearly went down. I brought her inside the attached garage that has an air conditioning vent, for the night. It isn't real cool, but it is sure nicer than 108. The next day she was all perky and ready to go again. She does fine when I let them out to range. They all high tail it to the timber. Nice cool dirt under all those trees.

Last week I penned all the roosters, and put all my girls in a layers coop. The Giants really miss Big Boy, I believe. I may need to take him out of the rooster pen and put him in the layers coop with all the girls (40). I wanted to give all my girls (all breeds) a break from the constant chasing down and mating for awhile since I am done hatching for the season. It is just too darn hot right now. I really think all my girls miss their rooster. I think they come to rely on the boys for more than just protection. It is as if the girls just don't know what to do without a male to guide them. It is really weird what I am noticing.

Tonight at lock up time I saw a raccoon. The hugest coon I have ever seen in my life! It scared me, and I am keeping all the birds penned tomorrow. No free ranging for awhile. I have my trap set, but this thing looked to be bigger than my trap! Honestly, he was HUGE! My daughter went out and lit off some M-80s in the direction the coon went. I don't know if that scared him or not, but I hope it did.

I am glad Big Boy is doing well, and I really worried about the biggest girl with the heat-- I think it is because she's so fluffy. That bunch just loved going out in the snow/cold/rain, didn't phase them a bit, but the heat, well......

I really hope you catch that coon! The predators are getting bolder, and I had a possum in my yard this week that we had to take care of. I take the predator thing for granted being in a subdivision, but now I am back on guard!
Big Boy is doing great! He is truly a gentle giant. AND, just like you said, the biggest blue girl does not do well in this 108* heat. Over a week of this Arizona type weather is just too much! A few days ago she nearly went down. I brought her inside the attached garage that has an air conditioning vent, for the night. It isn't real cool, but it is sure nicer than 108. The next day she was all perky and ready to go again. She does fine when I let them out to range. They all high tail it to the timber. Nice cool dirt under all those trees.

Last week I penned all the roosters, and put all my girls in a layers coop. The Giants really miss Big Boy, I believe. I may need to take him out of the rooster pen and put him in the layers coop with all the girls (40). I wanted to give all my girls (all breeds) a break from the constant chasing down and mating for awhile since I am done hatching for the season. It is just too darn hot right now. I really think all my girls miss their rooster. I think they come to rely on the boys for more than just protection. It is as if the girls just don't know what to do without a male to guide them. It is really weird what I am noticing.

Tonight at lock up time I saw a raccoon. The hugest coon I have ever seen in my life! It scared me, and I am keeping all the birds penned tomorrow. No free ranging for awhile. I have my trap set, but this thing looked to be bigger than my trap! Honestly, he was HUGE! My daughter went out and lit off some M-80s in the direction the coon went. I don't know if that scared him or not, but I hope it did.

How many roosters do you pen up together? Don't they fight?? This is the first year I will have 4 or 5 roosters for a few months and wondered how to handle it.

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