Jesse's Story

I will be sure to post more chaps tomorrow. I am SO glad you like it!!
It makes my night!
Chapter 4: New "friends"
"Hiss!" the giant snake screamed. The featherless bird's pet snake mysteriously escaped!! Jesse was in shock.
"Well, hello there, young one. Care to join my for dinner?" the snake hissed deliriously. Maple was the first to snap out of it.
"You leave my friend alone!" Maple cheeped. The bravery that was bottled down inside of her finally came out. Maple knocked the waterer over to make the snake confused and wet, knocked the feeder over to hit door, grabbed Jesse and jumped out. The door shut tight behind them. The snake was trapped and they were safe. For now.
"Are you all right, Jesse? Did he hurt you?" Maple questioned.
"Yes, and no. I'm fine. But what should we do now?" Jesse answered.
"Um, I think we should just wait for those featherless birds to come out. We might get hurt otherwise." So, that's exactly what Maple and Jesse did. They waited until the featherless bird came out to do the night chores. When she got to Maple and Jesse, she opened up the door and screamed. Then she quickly picked the snake up and ran in the house. After a while, the featherless came back to look in the little coop to see if the chicks survived. She started crying once she saw it was empty.
"Down here! We're down here!" the brave chicks yelled. The featherless heard cheeping and looked down to find Maple and Jesse huddled in the tall grass. She picked them up, gave them each a kiss and put them back in the little coop. Maple and Jesse made sure to shake as hard as possible to remove all those disgusting human germs.
"Ugh! That's not the welcome I wanted!" Jesse said in disgust. Maple agreed. They were definitely not the kissy type.
After their adventure, the featherless left some delicious treats for Jesse and Maple.
"Mmmmmm," was all they could say. It was such fun digging through all the fruits and veggies. But they easily wore out and they each fell asleep with some peach smothered all over their beaks.

The next morning, the featherless came and took the chicks outside for the first time.
"How long ago were we born again?" Maple asked.
"About 7 weeks ago," Jesse replied.
"Seven weeks and we haven't even gone outside yet?? That's sad."
They both got distracted with some grass and caterpillars. Jesse had so much fun stealing Maple's scrumptious earthworms.
Maple wanted to go and sunbathe for a while, but couldn't get Jesse to stop taking her dust bath and come with her.
"It's the same thing to me," Jesse teased, "I'm not going to just sit there and fry!"
Maple finally gave up on her friend and went to sunbathe by herself. Suddenly, a huge Black Austrolorp name Joy came up to her and scared her. Joy fell over laughing.
"I just can't believe you fell for that!!!" Joy said squealing.
Then her Black Austrolorp buddy, Faith, came up to ask Joy about eggs, but saw the little Barred Rocks and became suspicious.
"Who the heck are you??" Faith questioned.
"Um, well, I'm j-Jesse and, um, this is my, um, friend Maple," Jesse replied nervously. She had never seen such a huge chicken!
Faith and Joy didn't like the looks of the chicks, so decided to chase them around and tease them a while. They found much fun out of it, but the chicks were scared out of their feathers. And every time Jesse or Maple got too close the hens, they were given them a sharp peck on the back.
"Ouch! Stop that! It hurts!" Jesse cried in pain.
"Then who's gonna stop us? Hmm??" Faith replied.
"I am!"
"Who said that???" Joy asked.
One of the bigger hens had gotten out of the other fence!
Maggie, the big hen, came up to Faith and Joy to scold them.
"Who do you think you are to bully these innocent little chicks?" Maggie questioned.
"Uh, no one, um, ma'am," Faith said.
Then Maggie started to chase Faith and Joy around. It lasted for a half hour. Then the featherless came back to put the chicks to bed.
Little Jesse and Maple got some food and water and went to sleep smiling while dreaming about those big dogs chasing Faith and Joy around the backyard say, "Friends! Friends! FRIENDS!!!!"

to be continued......

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