Jet's Fight: Chapter 8

Here's chapter 2!

Chapter 2
"Hello, young chicks," the rooster greeted.
"W-who are you," Jazzy asked, frightened.
"Oh, don't be afraid. I'm just some rooster," the rooster replied.
"I'm Fenix," Fenix greeted.
"I'm Frank," the rooster said.
"I'm Gingernut," Gingernut replied.
"I'm Sunny," Sunny added.
"And I'm Jazzy!" Jazzy finished.
"So, what do we have here, a Buff Orphington, a Speckled Sussex, a New Hampshire Red, and a Barred Rock," Frank asked.
"Sure do," Frank responded.
"Well, let me show you around your new home," Frank offered.
"Sure!" Jazzy responded.
"This is the coop," Frank said, leading them to the chicken coop. "You will sleep here, eat here, and lay here when you eventually start laying eggs. Oh, and this is my mate Sedna. She's a Polish."
"Hello, chicks," Sedna greeted.
"Hi!" Jazzy blurted out.
"Jazzy, be quiet," Gingernut ordered.
"And what's that," Fenix asked, pointing to a forest.
"That's the deep forest," Frank said. "NEVER go into the Deep Forest."
"Why," Gingernut asked.
"You'll see someday," Frank replied mysteriously.

A couple of months passed. One night, though, Jazzy didn't go into the coop, she was just staring at the forest as if something magical would happen if she stared at it.
"Hey, Jazz," Gingernut asked, "why aren't you coming into the coop?"
"I want to see why Frank doesn't like the Deep Forest so much," Jazzy reasoned.
"Well," Gingernut reasoned, "he doesn't like it for a reason. I'd listen to him."
"Alright," Jazzy sighed. She and Gingernut walked into the chicken coop together for a night's rest.

"Jazzy?! JAZZY?!?! Has anyone seen Jazzy?!?!" Gingernut asked, running around the coop in a panic.
"Jazzy," Sunny fretted, "why oh why did you have to leave?!"
"The last time I saw her, she was sneaking out of the coop," Sedna reported.
To be continued...
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Okay, I'll TRY to get it up tonight. If I don't, I'll get it up sometime before school.
Chapter 3
"Jazzy got out?!" Fenix asked, shocked.
"It looks like it," Frank said.
"That featherbrain! You told her not to do it," Gingernut shouted.
"Someone needs to find her, before a hawk does," a Salmon Faverolle in a nesting box said.
"I'll go find her," Gingernut offered.
"No," Frank protested. "It is far too dangerous for a chick your size to be venturing into that forest."
"No, she's my friend," Gingernut argued.
"If you're going, then I am too," Fenix offered.
"I'd be left behind, so bring me too!" Sunny demanded.
"Okay, well, get ready. Eat plenty of food, drink plenty of water, and take a dust bath. We aren't coming back until we have Jazzy," Gingernut announced.
"No, you aren't going," Frank declared. "Not until you are big enough."
"Frank," Gingernut protested, "if Jazzy survives, we will too."
Frank sighed. "Alright, but you be back in a reasonable amount of time! If you are gone too long, we are going to look for you!"
"Thanks, Frank," Gingernut said. "Everyone, get ready, we're leaving when the feeder comes out!"

"Woah," Fenix said.
"I can see why Frank despises this forest so much," Sunny said.
"Jazzy? Jazzy," Gingernut called out. "Come on guys, help me out here!"
"Jazzy? Jazz, we're right here," Sunny called out.
"W-what was that," Sunny asked, scared.
"I don't know," Fenix said, "but it sounds dangerous."
"Can we go back to camp," Sunny asked, now freaking out.
"Sunny, you insisted on coming with me. You are going to stay until we find Jazzy," Gingernut declared.
"I'm getting really scared, guys," Sunny revealed, clearly regretting her choice to come with Gingernut.
"Sunny, hush," Gingernut ordered, however she was clearly trying to hide her own fear. "If you're that scared, go into the bushes until it stops."
Sunny immediately ran into the bushes, while Gingernut was trying to point out what was causing the spooky noise.
A hawk came soaring out of nowhere, dived down, and grabbed Gingernut.
"HELP!!!!" Gingernut cried.
"Ginger, hold on! We're coming," Fenix cried, jumping up into a pine tree and following the hawk. Sunny came zooming out of the bushes and started chasing the hawk by foot.
"Let me go, let me go let me go," Gingernut demanded, trying to squeeze out of the hawk's grasp. The hawk pinched her harder, making it much harder to breathe. Right now she was most concerned about getting out of the monster's hand, but she was already starting to suffocate.
"F-Fenix-" Gingernut began, but she could barely get it out. The hawk was going higher and higher into the air.
"Help," was all Gingernut could squeeze out. Suddenly, the hawk let her go, at about 1,000 feet into the air. Gingernut immediately caught her breath. As soon as she noticed she was falling, she flapped her wings frantically, even though it didn't help much. The ground was approaching closer and closer. It wouldn't be long now.
"Jazzy," Gingernut thought, "I'm sorry I'm not here for you." No, no, she had to think positive. Gingernut didn't want her last thoughts to be negative.
"GINGER!!!" Fenix and Sunny cried when they caught sight of her. She was now only about 20 feet from the ground. She stopped flapping her wings and spread them out instead. If she stayed calm, she might survive. It only took about 5 seconds before she fell to the ground.
To be continued...
Here's chapter 4!

Chapter 4
"Ginger! Ginger?!" Fenix cried. Ginger cracked open her eyes.
"Ginger, are you okay? That was a nasty fall," Sunny asked, alarmed.
"Woah, where am I," Gingernut asked weakly.
"You're in that Deep Forest," Fenix said. "You almost got abducted by a hawk and were dropped here."
"My head hurts," Gingernut complained.
"I'd imagine," Fenix replied. "You had to hit the ground at least 20 MPH."
"Where is Jazzy," Gingernut asked.
"We're looking for her, remember," Fenix explained.
"Oh yeah," Gingernut said as her memory snapped back into her. "Let's go!"
"Now now, don't get too hasty," Fenix reminded. "You said your head hurt, for all we know you have a cracked skull."
"It isn't hurting as much," Gingernut declared.
"Okay," Fenix said. "But if your head starts hurting again, we'll find some place to rest."
"Let's go!" Sunny said, starting to run. Gingernut tried to run too, but her head hurt too much.
"Hey Sunny," Gingernut started, "please don't run. It hurts too much."
"Oh, okay," Sunny said, slowing down.

It was now noon. It was pretty warm out, enough to get the chicks panting, but they continued on. Fenix noticed something shiny in the distance.
"Hey, Ging, Sunny," Fenix began, "do you see that?"
"What," Sunny asked.
"That," Fenix said, pointing to the shiny unidentified object.
"Oh, that," Gingernut responded, seeing it.
"Oh my gosh! Are those chickens," Sunny asked, surprised.
"Yes, it is! Oh my, is that Jazzy?!!?!" Gingernut asked, thinking she saw Jazzy.
"Yes it is!!!!!" Sunny squealed. "JAZZY!!!!!!!!"
For a minute, the chicks had thought they were about to face a joyous reunion! But... they looked again. Those chickens were all strangers. They remembered Jazzy, and they wondered if they would ever see her again.
They came to the end of a river, and saw The Dead Wood Swamp. A bog, where skeleton trees grew without leaves or branches, and where no living things could live, besides the dreaded dead wood crows. They looked below them, and saw tracks- baby chick tracks.
"Jazzy? Have any of you birds seen a black and white chick," Gingernut asked.
"Black chick! Black chick! Look sad," the crow responded loudly. The trio followed the tracks into a rocky, hostile valley. The ground was unreasonably hot, and the smoke made their eyes sting, they had to get out of there!
They ran into some small woods, and when they left they found themselves in a meadow with butterflies, dragonflies, and different kinds of flowers. They looked into the distance, though, and saw possibly the most frightening thing they had ever seen in their life.
To be continued...

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