Join me on my Classroom Hatch-A-Long, support and advice appreciated!

Pip #2! 😍
Looks like brown eggs are going first! AF032FD4-2C93-4B01-82AD-D344A3EE97D2.jpeg
I projected the incubator on the big screen so they could all see. Heard tiny chirping, & looks like chewing motion if a beak. Is that it absorbing the yolk?
Yes that is absorbing the yolk. That is cool. Think mine is still only the shell popped up a bit. Can't see the beak. Didn't hear chirping this morning. I have my daughter checking it for me to update any changes
A third pip! The first one keeps sticking its little beak out but hasn’t opened much more shell. The other two are just small pokes. If any hatch tonight, they’ll be fine til morning, right?

Yes. In my 2 hatches I had quite a number of babies hatch overnight and remain perfectly healthy and happy in the incubator.

Remember, they have a 3 day supply of yolk.

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