Join me on my Classroom Hatch-A-Long, support and advice appreciated!

Thank you both! The kids didn’t want to go home today. Neither did I! Lol
I would have such a hard time going home for the day!!!!!!!! work just about KILLED me, but I had my daughter at home to update me of anything going on! At least you have lots of them to watch so will hopefully get to see some of them. I only have the 1. haahaa

Mine has the tiniest little bumped up pip but now looks like a hairline zip starting. :) One under Ditzy has a good size pip going
Oooh a zip! :wee
I would have such a hard time going home for the day!!!!!!!! work just about KILLED me, but I had my daughter at home to update me of anything going on! At least you have lots of them to watch so will hopefully get to see some of them. I only have the 1. haahaa

Mine has the tiniest little bumped up pip but now looks like a hairline zip starting. :) One under Ditzy has a good size pip going
Here is a pic of where two are right now (third pip is in the very back).
Middle right is biggest, beginning of zip. Far right in front is small pip.
Is this another pip?? Or just picture tricking me?
View attachment 3100210
I was wondering the same! When I left at 4 it wasn’t there…hoping it is! ❤️

And we have our first baby! (Set up livestream…actually recorded the hatch to play back to them tomorrow!) Figured that would be better than angry parents whose kids don’t want to go to bed on time for “educational purposes.” 😂



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