Jubilee Orpington - Speckled Sussex -Heavy Graphics


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
Just before the holidays I ordered a book I found online in a used book store in New Zealand on the Orpington Breed.

I am very interested in the jubilee and the mottled variant of Orpingtons as well as the Blues. In the research for documentation on the breeds this was the only book that I could find that was within my budget and had significant information for my purposes.

The Orpington and Its Varieties, by E. Campbell with notes on White, Jubilee, Spangled, Cuckoo. Blue and Red Orpingtons by Wm. H. Cook and Australorps by W. Powell-Owen, copyright Sept, 1922

Chapter 2, page 5 reads:

"The Diamond Jubilee Orpington was Mr. Cook's next introduction, and owed its name to the date of its public appearance --1897--the Diamond Jubilee year of the reign of the late Queen Victoria. It obtained a certain vogue, and at one time bid fair to make its mark as a farmer's fowl, as it was a good layer and a fast growing, big table bird. But the rise of the Sussex fowl sapped its popularity; and I believe that most of its breeders eventually just changed its name and it became the speckled Sussex--which Mr. Cook's critics averred it had always been."

Orpington lovers, any discussion to this interesting bit of reading?

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I scanned some pages and have added them in the posts section. I found the reading interesting especially as these are notes from Wm Cook himself the man who developed the orpington breed in England.

I put the images through a cruncher to get the file size down by half so those with dial-up should have too much trouble reading them as well. I tried to keep the page size large enough that the text wasn't compromised.
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I've heard of the Jubilee...interesting read it looks like......Julie in AL/Bamachick mentioned it I think....Have you seen pics of those Golden Laced Orps from the UK?... Out of this world...
That is very interesting Miss Prissy. They must have let the size fall to the wayside too in the development.
Hmm, well they are rather different birds, the Orps and the Sussex. My SS is a wide girl, but has no cushion, as such, tighter feathering than an Orpington does, shorter legs. She is big for her height, but not as large any of my Orpingtons, blue or buff. Not sure how one could be the other, you know? Unless a Jubilee Orpington is a different body type than other Orps.
It seems to me that is what they insinuating, Cyn. There are some interesting tidbits in this little book. I am going to post some more from it as I go.

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