july 10th TSC Augusta, Maine

well I certainly hope it doesn't rain. I'm bringing this- it's already sold

and this one is for sale, almost finished
ooooooohhhhhh... Those look really nice! I would buy the chicken one, but 1) I don't have any money, and 2) I don't have anywhere to put a lovely chicken stepping stone. Really nice job though!
One thing to remember Cat Water is that baby chicks must be sold in lots of 6 in the state of Maine. I saw that you were selling 2 of yours. If they are old enough and all feathered out you should be fine. Its the little guys that can't be sold in lots less than 6. Just like rabbits must be at least 8 weeks old. Look forward to seeing you there.
but someone could buy 2 from you and 4 from someone else. equalling 6. if they are living in augusta, they can only have 3 chickens- how odd the 6 chick /3 chicken rule to be in the same city.
I didn't know that chicks had to be sold in lots of six. I have never even heard of anythting similar to that. Now that it's over, it seems it didn't matter because I ended up giving them away to a woman who wanted them, but said they were too expensive. I learned something new today. Oops.
I was so bummed that it rained. I didn't try to head out. I woke up and it was already raining here. How did the swap go? Good turn out?
It didn't start raining until 12ish around here. I went around 9 and there was probably 15 people selling things. It was my first swap so I don't know if that was a good turn out or not, but I was pleased with it.
I loved all the roosters... the bantam roo was by far my favorite. I was thisclose to getting him to replace my polish.
It was raining at home when I left this morning but a quick call to augusta confirmed it was not there.
we had a good turn out of sellers but not so good of buyers. many of the people that came didn't know it was going on.
I sold the 2 chickens that I did not bring, seller is come up tomorrow to get them. it was nice to meet blue seal, Holly (sorry, forgot your online name),catwater and a few others. all very nice folks.
sorry catwater you ended up giving the chicks away.
about 11:15 we had a deluge of rain, thankfully we had a thunder warning so most of us were able to get packed up before we got too soaked. I took more orders for the stained glass stones.

For me, it was a great day to meet and socialize but not so good with the chicken feed.
hopefully we can plan a swap for a sunday and have great signage and advertising before the event.
all very important things for a sucessful day.

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