July 13, 2011 Hatch Day! STARTED!!!!

Well we shall see at one week when I candle them how they are doing. Some of them had broken air cells but I read there still could be a chance so stuck them all in.
I did use Express Mail. I had the eggs in a day and a half.
If I just get half a dozen chicks I will be happy.
July 9th hatch date! Well at least we hope
First time incubating and trying not to worry too much. We tried to candle last night and only saw 4 eggs out of 18 that showed veins. The others I couldn't get a good view on. We will wait a few more days and try again. We are trying to hatch out 15 Turken (Naked Neck) and 3 Easter Eggers.
Welcome nobodyherebutuschickens, the more the merrier.
I just moved the big kids out to the new chicken coop (5 weeks old) they've been helping us build it... Put the nest here, the roost goes over there, don't forget the vent, the windows? Where's the windows?
These guys/ gals are my first four. The second batch- 12 mixed chicks are ~ 10 days old and still in the brooder, had to move it to the garage.. Kind of smelly.. And the new group hatches 7/17
I'm so excited
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Right on Christie Rhae!

Today is 2wks left! I'm itching to candle so perhaps later tonight I will although my husband thinks I should just leave them alone. haha

WELCOME LoveMyChicklets & nobodyherebutuschickens!!!

Today I am told I am acquiring 25 (under a week old) ringneck pheasants so I've been out moving the littler guys in with bigger guys that free-range so I'm keeping a close eye on everyone - especially Eggroll, my bratty barncat that throughly enjoys eye-balling my littler silkies.
He's pretty good though, my turkeys like to pick on the cat so he gets it back!

The pheasants are not for me, they are for the DH and the daughter's boyfriend, I'm just the caretaker and know nothing about them so this should be interesting!

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