July 2015 Hatch A Long HAL


4 Welsummers

And 5 Black Copper Marans
Ok so let's see if anyone here can help me. So I'm on day 24 this afternoon. I have one chick still alive but no internal pip yet. Do I just let it keep going?
Final update probably. I lost three chicks today. Hard day. So, here is how it all went down. I lost four chicks total that I know for sure were definitely alive. There were two malpositioned chicks. One pipped while everyone else was hatching out and didn't hang on until no others were pipped, so I expected to lose that one. There was one that pipped and zipped, but got stuck. My best guess is she was very close to the light in the incubator when she zipped, and so dried out on the inside mid-zip. Because I assisted her and her head was stuck inside. She was wearing her shell like a helmet. I dipped my finger in the humidity water and wet it for her and she broke free. She was freaked out for a while though... But appeared healthy. She died suddenly this morning. I know why. I corrected the placement of the heat lamp last night because I turn the air in the house off at night and didn't want them overheating. Hubs came in this morn and blasted fan over brooder and air conditioner. Didnt put the lamp back down closer to the chicks. They got cold. The youngest to hatch had some issues, panting but not wanting to eat or drink, panting when cold, since shortly after she hatched. She passed away a short time ago. Finally, when I went to clean the brooder out of eggs that did not hatch (a lot of them, my hatch rate was abysmal) I found another malposition still alive. I didn't know what to do but assist her. I did so, but she didn't make it either.
So. I have four chicks. Terrible hatch rate. Today was tough.
I've put more photos up on Flickr if anyone is interested, and I will probably add a few more as long as I have the chicks.
Thanks for the support guys. Looks like I still have a ton to learn, and I will have to do that and make some changes to the incubator before I try again.
I wish you all the best of luck in all you do. :)

I'm sorry for your losses. I started 7 Brahma eggs, 2 didn't make it to lockdown, 1 pipped the wrong end and died, 1 had a malpositioned air sac yet hatched. It's not looking as strong as the other chicks. 1 hatched out ok and 1 is left in the incubator. 1/7 is terrible. The other eggs had better turnout. I achieved > 50%, barely.
Ok so let's see if anyone here can help me. So I'm on day 24 this afternoon. I have one chick still alive but no internal pip yet. Do I just let it keep going?
If the embryos are still alive I would keep them because if tempratures were on the low end, it will take longer to hatch day. Definitely candle to see if there is any movement
I finished. I float wiggle tested the last 8 and they were unmoving. I candled. Nothing. I settled for my 60% hatch rate and called it. So, results: 45 set. 7 removed as clear or early quitters. 38 to lockdown. The Buff laced Brahmas had the poorest showing with only 2/7 hatching. 4/7 Ameraucana, 5/7 Black Copper Marans, 4/7 Welsummers, 4/7 Partridge Plymouth Rocks, 1/3 Crested Cream Legbar, and 7/9 mixed breed chicks hatched. 2/27 died in the first 24 hours.

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