July Hatch-a-long

Congrats on your new chicks EddieRowe!
Sorry I didn't get to your question yesterday I was out most of the day. You did the right thing though by taking them with you. That less risky then putting water and food in the bater. Hope the rest hatch well for you.
Well this morning we have 7 Quail hatched and we have a few more that are pipping. Not the best hatch rate since we had 81 egg in the incubator but to be fair we don't know when most of them were layed since they were given to us. It seems that all the ones we collected though have hatched and that means we got a very good hatch rate out of those. All but one so far but I am still holding out for the little guy. Hatch day was suppose to be yesterday so we will see if he is just a slow hatcher.
[COLOR=800080]I know! I was thinking that same thing- today both little roos were sparring, something I've not seen them do & the little sizzle was holding his own against Sugar Peeps- soooo maybe he was able to get to the hen a few times? I would love to have babies hatch from both roos
Can't wait to see how your babies come out. You will HAVE to post pics:)
The best thing you can do is let them sort themselves out, and wait at least another two days before checking on them. Did everything look normal when you last candled?
This is "Spell" my sizzle roo, taken a when he was 3mo old. He is the cutest thing, but he gets even more curls each week it seems. I need to take a new pic of him, this was about 6wks ago I think. I named him this because his feathers look like my mother's hair after she has what she calls one of her spells

OMG................I CAN'T QUIT LOOKING AT HIM........I just want to pick him up and hug him........................

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