July Hatch-a-long

I am so mad at myself
I dropped my thermometer on the eggs and cracked one. Did a quick search on here and used some candle wax to seal it. I really hope this works

Also, I have 3 air vents, for the first 10 days I only had one open. Now I opened 2 vents. & the last few days TRYING to keep the humidity around 45% but it's been fluctuating, 36% and all the way up to 58%... since I've opened up the other vent it hasn't got that high. I candled half of them, a couple of them looked like the air sac didn't grow much. I'm worried. I have to candle the other half today. I was able to see them move around in there and I even saw a few beaks.
I'm in a humid area, summer outside is easily 65% +. Even with a/c, humidity in our house is 40-45%, so didn't add any water or humidity suppliment until day 19, then it went south after the first couple of eggs hatched (for me). When I try again I will only boost humidy to 60-65% at lockdown to take the extra moisture from the eggs into account better.
So upset my eggs did not hatch Saturday did not candle yet but they were ok when at lock down I candled before lock down they were great now nothing no peeping or anything. So mad! Then on the first I put my JG eggs under a broody but the hen decided she didn't want to do it anymore and left the nest I didn't know when she stopped laying on them so not sure if any will hatch. I got them from Wynette so this makes me really upset!!! So I will be locking them down on the 11th. Then I have my GF's to go hopefully all is well. If not I am going to buy me the best incubator I can afford.

they should be ok if you can get your temp back up & keep it steady, there might be a delay in hatch, but that's it

Thanks, PubBug. I did finally get the temp up to 99 and holding so I'm not going to mess with it again even though it's a little on the low side (was at 102 at 2am and I thought it was acceptable. Except I'll have to add more water. I bought new sponges a couple of weeks ago but couldn't find them yesterday so I guess I'll buy some more when we're out today. I put papertowels over the wire floor to absorbe and release some of the water (and it makes the wire less threatening to tiny wet chicks to me) but it makes it hard to see where the wells are (hit the wrong spot and it goes out the holes and soaks the table/floor under it. I'm thinking of coloring the wells so I can "see" them easier.

Just put into lockdown Sussex, Sexlinks, Ameracaunas, and Blue/Splash Marans. 47 eggs total. First time using my new Hovabator and so far I am very impressed. Only had to pull 3 eggs since setting them and 2 of those looked like they never started. This will be totally freaky if I end up hatching out most of these 47, as my previously hatches were never above 5 chicks surviving. Could crazy around here, as I have 2 other hatches coming up, that I will transfer to the Hovabator as soon as it is available! Plus some cream legbars coming that were delayed. Yikes!

Thanks for everyone's advice on purchasing a new incubator!
When I candled the other day, one my fav eggs that was developing was dead. *sniffs* So now I am down to one going on lockdown tomorrow. If it's still alive by then, anyway. I'm so disappointed, and I feel bad for this chick, if it hatches, because it won't have any buddies. I've raised a single chick before, and hung a mirror for it, and it did fine, but I still think it's probably best to have more than one chick. Also, now I don't really have anywhere to start with breeding a little flock of favs. The parent birds are super nice, too, so was hoping for some great babies. I wonder what my husband would say if I got some more eggs from the person I bought these from? ;)
Wanting to join the fun Set eggs on the 6th. 18 under broodie, and 13 in the incubator. Coronation Sussex, BLRW, White Orps, Cuckoo Orps, Lavender Orps, and project lavender cuckoo orps
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Hi, I have some hatching now, Tomorrow is the official day theyre supposed to hatch but one started yesterday and fully came out this morning. It is a mix of barred rock and either isa brown or br and br or br and black sex link.

Hi, I have some hatching now, Tomorrow is the official day theyre supposed to hatch but one started yesterday and fully came out this morning. It is a mix of barred rock and either isa brown or br and br or br and black sex link.


Aww so cute! I love looking at all these pics!
Oh I can't wait for mine.. 2 more weeks, 2 more weeks.... & GREAT NEWS! My Bourbon Red poults are not shipping until the week of my hatch day, so looks like my chicks will help the poults find food & water :D
Wanting to join the fun  Set eggs on the 6th.   18 under broodie, and 13 in the incubator.  Coronation Sussex, BLRW, White Orps, Cuckoo Orps, Lavender Orps, and project lavender cuckoo orps

Oooooh that sounds so cool!
I got this one from a backyard breeder, she's suppose to be blue/black maran x what would you call this one?

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