July Hatch-a-long

Wanting to join the fun Set eggs on the 6th. 18 under broodie, and 13 in the incubator. Coronation Sussex, BLRW, White Orps, Cuckoo Orps, Lavender Orps, and project lavender cuckoo orps
and welcome to the thread...................

Fun it is...............................
This year I'm in the dog house!i usually do two batches of chicks this year I did 5 and a batch at a time for me is three incubators full of eggs! I'm doing a batch of chicks right now and I have 52 more eggs coming!!! :)
Why have I lost some of my babies? Two had unclosed navels, one was small and always had its eyes closed. I also have another one that is small, but she seems to be doing okay.
Sometimes it was not you. Sometimes it was the eggs you set. The first pullet eggs are not really the best to set. The hens may not have been the best fed. The hens or roos may have had a disease that was hidden like ms/mg that no one saw. Or the genetics could have been off. If it was your problem. It could have been inconsistent temp. Did you have more than one type of Thermometer to read temps? more than one type to ck for humidity. Did you check the eggs for air cells. After the 18 day did they get the nec. air in the incubator and temp+humidty to hatch. There are so many things that can and do go wrong. Bacteria can invade an egg or the incubator. Some eggs may not have been fertile. If they were shipped they could have had the growth embionic cells damaged. Don't beat yourself up. Clean everything well and get the equipment nec. Don't overhandle things but check that temp and humidity. Better luck next time. It happens.

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