July Hatch-a-long

Still working on collecting decent eggs to go with the rouen eggs I set last week. They will be alot of BYM but I will know the general breeds/crosses. Each of which atm has a purpose. Wensday will add what I have to bator. Might hijack 30 more guineas also haven't decided 100% yet. Still have really no idea when I plan on quitting like I said I was. LOL.
I am in .

I have 6 eggs under a very broody hen. She has been broody for nearly 3 weeks and after losing my two other broodies to foxes, I decided to up the security and marked the eggs.. My other chickens have been very naughty and have tried to add to the eggs to the batch but I have thwarted their efforts by marking the eggs to hatch. I am not sure what kind of eggs I am hatching. I chose 6 eggs from my flock that all resemble each other in color and shape so I think they might have all been laid by the same hen. I am hoping they are the barnevelder eggs but I might be wrong. My hatch date is 7/3 same day our exchange students come to stay so I hope they will enjoy seeing the chicks.

Waiting for a few late layers to get their keesters in gear today, and then I'll have 7 in my little Brinsea. They're all either pure Speckled Sussex or SS/Cochin or SS/RSL. Hoping for cockerels! I mostly hatch for edible boys, but lately my female/male ratio has been way high. I think out of my last group of 6 I only have one boy, though they are still in the itty-bitty-fluffy stage.

That puts me at a July 8 hatch date, though the Brinsea tends to push them out a day or two early.
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Putting eggs in the incubator tomorrow. I purchased an "assortment" from my pet chicken. I have 31 going in. This is my 4th hatch. All of the eggs are labeled with the breed....we'll see how that goes, when they all start hatching like popcorn...lol. Looking forward to hearing everyone's progress.
I will prolly get around 3 dz BYM eggs in wensday. I am mostly working on 1 set but a few others might as well cook as I am doing it. I have some Production red hens, that I am hoping are from RIR x LS cross. And a Roo from that cross. Either way I am going I am looking for 2 types of birds from these so if they are what I think I should have 1/2 of each set I am looking for. 1 RIR looking set and 1 LS looking set. Trying to breed flocks from crosses. Will keep me occupied for a couple years, LOL. Besides this way I have a REASON to hatch, rather than just saying hens won't stop laying. This fall hoping egg biz might get going. But ATM not enough dropping out to sell really. Come Aug/Sept I should be swimming in eggs. And thats when I hope to get NPIP Cert. After the barn is referbished.

Others mainly going in are Cochin crosses, looking for a broody recipe. Might add some spice later with differant breed in a 3 way. Thinking something like SLC x BO X SLW. But not sure. Would make a really cold hardy bird too I am thinking. RC/FF/LF. All good cold qualities in birds. But those are 5 months off. Nov Hatchlong???? LOL JK
I will prolly get around 3 dz BYM eggs in wensday. I am mostly working on 1 set but a few others might as well cook as I am doing it. I have some Production red hens, that I am hoping are from RIR x LS cross. And a Roo from that cross. Either way I am going I am looking for 2 types of birds from these so if they are what I think I should have 1/2 of each set I am looking for. 1 RIR looking set and 1 LS looking set. Trying to breed flocks from crosses. Will keep me occupied for a couple years, LOL. Besides this way I have a REASON to hatch, rather than just saying hens won't stop laying. This fall hoping egg biz might get going. But ATM not enough dropping out to sell really. Come Aug/Sept I should be swimming in eggs. And thats when I hope to get NPIP Cert. After the barn is referbished.

Others mainly going in are Cochin crosses, looking for a broody recipe. Might add some spice later with differant breed in a 3 way. Thinking something like SLC x BO X SLW. But not sure. Would make a really cold hardy bird too I am thinking. RC/FF/LF. All good cold qualities in birds. But those are 5 months off. Nov Hatchlong???? LOL JK
Glad I'm not the only one loving Cochin mixes! I've found that crossing them with Sussex tends to create chicks with larger frames that still fill out well by 20 weeks, and they inherit a lot of the Cochin temperament. Definitely a nice breed to introduce into a flock.

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