July Hatch-a-long

Oh no!!!

I had that happen but it was more like day 3 or 4 and I wasn't sure how long. You could still have a chance though. Keep them in until day 7 and candle to see what you have. If you aren't sure take pics and post here. Someone will help you determine what you have.

That's my plan. I sure hope some manage to make it!
I'm joining in! I have 16 blue copper marans and 8 wheaten marans I set on Thursday afternoon so hatch date of July 10. I have 8 sizzles coming today - they were supposed to come Saturday but got some advice from other BYCers that said it should be okay to put them in the same bator. This is my first hatch and I'm so so nervous! I'm finding it hard not to candle every day and I sure managed to pick out a dark egg when I'm not really sure what I'm looking at!
All my eggs look good
we got 5/5 development for there age now the count down to sat. begins can they hatch early? my temp is at exactly 99.5
I am praying all of my silkie eggs make it out in this months hatch a long. Other wise I will be heart broken.

i will be keeping my fingers crossed for your silkie babies. and yea i am glad i candled those eggs too. hehe.
And had a spare bator!!
if i hadn't had the spare bator you best believe i would have marked those 7 eggs and shoved them in with my 28 in lockdown lol. they would have gotten turned for sure with all those babies running around. i would have done anything in my power to save em lol.

now the problem is..... i really don't know how far along they are....
i think i will candle them later and see what kind of development i have so far. from looking the first day i would have guessed approximately 7 days but i could be wrong and i don't want to shrink wrap the babies by not locking down when i should. this is gonna be a very very stressful hatch.

on another note.... i do have some eggs out in the yard that i have been hoping my hen would set but if she hasn't gone broody yet i am gonna set them in the incubator today. I will let yall know about that in a little while.
I candled my eggs last night and all 7 are developing normally.
Good thing to, as my rooster is slated for execution tomorrow, and if possible I would like to continue with one of his sons.
Sorry I have been so absent. I have a sick baby pullet, 3 grand kids here and more work than I can keep up with.
Still very worried about El Pollo, he was sick, then disappeared.

Candled my eggs for July hatch, shipped eggs and all air cells in tact and all 12 eggs FERTILE! This is a first! 3 surprise Amerecaunas thrown in for good luck.

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