July Hatch-a-long

CRUDDDD!  I set on the 26th (a Wednesday).  How am I so crazy far off?!?!?!?!  I've got humidity up to about 80%.  Should I just let it go now or try to dry everything out a bit????  Math confounds me...  DARN IT!  I had a schedule written out with the days numbered and everything...

Don't sweat it!! Entering lockdown early won't hurt them. I've put lots of eggs in a couple days early on staggered hatches! 80% is on the high side though. I would maybe open up the vents and let the humidity drop some. It should drop by Wed on its own. I hatch mine at 65%. What kind of bator are you using?
wow 5 days of not reading and so much has happened here and in my house.

To start i put my eggs on tuesday the 2nd. on the 8th i became homeless and had to move myself and bator to my moms. a 15 minute ride. when i checked to eggs that night they were fine from the 26 about 15 had vains and moving.

on the 9th i checked the eggs and the temp was 78 someone had unpluged the bator for who knows how long.
eggs were ok throught and moving 75%
two days ago while organizing the room where im staying with my three kids my 9 year old daughter dropped a shelve on the bator, eggs went all over the place and bator broke.
i ducktape the bator( lg) and put them back in.

when i checked last night i had to throw away most of the eggs. only 11 survived the hit. so after all of this i hope that these 11 would make it. meanwhile i need to find where to move so i can be reunite with the rest of my chickens. I miss them so much.
CRUDDDD!  I set on the 26th (a Wednesday).  How am I so crazy far off?!?!?!?!  I've got humidity up to about 80%.  Should I just let it go now or try to dry everything out a bit????  Math confounds me...  DARN IT!  I had a schedule written out with the days numbered and everything...

Your humidity is pretty high even if a day early for lockdown. You probably better get some water out. Did you use the water channels? Or how did you asd the water?
wow 5 days of not reading and so much has happened here and in my house. To start i put my eggs on tuesday the 2nd. on the 8th i became homeless and had to move myself and bator to my moms. a 15 minute ride. when i checked to eggs that night they were fine from the 26 about 15 had vains and moving. on the 9th i checked the eggs and the temp was 78 someone had unpluged the bator for who knows how long. eggs were ok throught and moving 75% two days ago while organizing the room where im staying with my three kids my 9 year old daughter dropped a shelve on the bator, eggs went all over the place and bator broke.
i ducktape the bator( lg) and put them back in. when i checked last night i had to throw away most of the eggs. only 11 survived the hit. so after all of this i hope that these 11 would make it. meanwhile i need to find where to move so i can be reunite with the rest of my chickens. I miss them so much.
Oh no!!!!! What a horrible tome you've had!! I'm so sorry! :hugs
Hi! I'll join in. I set 7 Olive Eggers from my own flock to hatch on July 27. These will my my first attempt at OE, my Black Ameraucana roo over 2 Blue Copper Marans hens.

I just candled, and it looks so far like all 7 eggs are developing. Plus there's another interesting discovery...one of the eggs is a double yolk! I never would have set it if I'd known, but in the light I clearly saw 2 yolks, and 2 little eyeballs. So I know it's unlikely to successfully hatch, but I'm interested to see what happens! 8 chicks growing in 7 eggs....
I alsolutely love your profile pic! I want hens that lay eggs like that! Are they all from easter eggers???
They are BBS english orpingtons hatched from eggs I got from Jeff :)

Rant alert: I know y'all will understand. At least one, probably more of my dogs raided my broodys nest! Omg I am livid! She had 19 lavendar orpington eggs under her and now there are only seven left! I don't have high hopes for the ones left, they were shipped and I had to wash nasty yolk and dog drool off them :-( I candled to make sure there were no hairline cracks and gave them back to her. My dogs have never raided a broody before :-( they will steal eggs but never from under a mama. All dogs are now tied or penned and mama is locked up tight. Now I have to worry about coons and such since the dogs can't do their jobs. /rant off.
Oh no. I am so sorry. I just got rid of a dog last month for killing my chickens and crushing eggs. Breaks my heart. Now I have a new dog for outside and things are back to normal. I wish you the best of luck
CRUDDDD! I set on the 26th (a Wednesday). How am I so crazy far off?!?!?!?! I've got humidity up to about 80%. Should I just let it go now or try to dry everything out a bit???? Math confounds me... DARN IT! I had a schedule written out with the days numbered and everything...

I do not think you have ruined the eggs.....I would follow another persons suggestion and see if you can get it down...........
I hatch at 65/70 degrees at lock down...............
This how I do it...............hope it helps................I do staggered hatches so it is important for me to keep track.
I put a color on each eggs setting for that date.........I use a non toxic felt pen..................
Then I mark on the calendar with that color..............
If I set on a Wendsday.....I count three weeks on the calendar..............will give me the third Wendsday or 21 days...............
Then I count back three days...............write lockdown in the color of the eggs.................
Your doing fine.it just is not as easy as it seems and all of us have gone through learning curves...........
Good luck and Don't give up......................we are here for you....................
If you do not mind my writing so much.............
.I have a quick story.
Pulled the eggs out for lockdown and somehow missed one that should have gone in the hatcher........
It hatched anyway, even with my screw up...and I was doing dry incubation.
You just never know, mother nature in control again................

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